I had some strong palpitations over xgiving, and measured my BP using an Omron home machne, 140/40, which I thought to be crazy numbers and called my GP the following Monday.
They got 152/50 in their office, he ordered bloods for total blood count, Mg, K, and inflamation, all negative. He also ordered an echo which came back normal. At that point he refered me to a cardio.
Cardio checks me out and orders a Halter monitor and a standard Bruce stress test. Halter shows nothing abnormal. I make it to stage 5 on stress test (I'm a runner), but attending cardio reading the tape notes I have a 2mm ST depression.
My Cardio then orders a Nuclear stress test, but the insurance company has denied that test. Cardio is now going to set up another office visit to discuss where we go from here.
I still have the palpitations, and they are not only felt in my chest, but I can feel the pulse beat in various parts of my body at different times. I always feel them in my sinus area, and not only can I feel them, but at times it's downright painful. I also sometimes get small disturbances in my vision in time with my heartbeat.
Health history synopsis:
I am otherwise in great health, 6'2", 172#, last choleseterol (June) was low 150's total with high good, low bad. BP in June was 128/70. All other bloodwork has been great but for homocysteine, which has run 18 or so all thru my 40's.
I've had a few palpitations over the years but they normally last a few hours and then go away for a few months. These current palpitations have been steady of varying strength since xgiving.
There is some family history, my father had a septuple bypass in his mid-50's, and his father passed away of a heart attack in his mid-50's. BTW, cancer, not cardio problems, took my Dad when he was in his mid-70's. I'm 50.
So, is ST depression something to worry about? I'm more worried about the BP, I've been home measuring and still get 100 or greater pulse pressure, and I'm worried about what this BP is doing to my body.
I hope this isn't too rambling, just looking to both vent a little and for advice. Thanks!
They got 152/50 in their office, he ordered bloods for total blood count, Mg, K, and inflamation, all negative. He also ordered an echo which came back normal. At that point he refered me to a cardio.
Cardio checks me out and orders a Halter monitor and a standard Bruce stress test. Halter shows nothing abnormal. I make it to stage 5 on stress test (I'm a runner), but attending cardio reading the tape notes I have a 2mm ST depression.
My Cardio then orders a Nuclear stress test, but the insurance company has denied that test. Cardio is now going to set up another office visit to discuss where we go from here.
I still have the palpitations, and they are not only felt in my chest, but I can feel the pulse beat in various parts of my body at different times. I always feel them in my sinus area, and not only can I feel them, but at times it's downright painful. I also sometimes get small disturbances in my vision in time with my heartbeat.
Health history synopsis:
I am otherwise in great health, 6'2", 172#, last choleseterol (June) was low 150's total with high good, low bad. BP in June was 128/70. All other bloodwork has been great but for homocysteine, which has run 18 or so all thru my 40's.
I've had a few palpitations over the years but they normally last a few hours and then go away for a few months. These current palpitations have been steady of varying strength since xgiving.
There is some family history, my father had a septuple bypass in his mid-50's, and his father passed away of a heart attack in his mid-50's. BTW, cancer, not cardio problems, took my Dad when he was in his mid-70's. I'm 50.
So, is ST depression something to worry about? I'm more worried about the BP, I've been home measuring and still get 100 or greater pulse pressure, and I'm worried about what this BP is doing to my body.
I hope this isn't too rambling, just looking to both vent a little and for advice. Thanks!