SSRI Pathway Decision


Filing Flight Plan
May 27, 2024
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Leo Bretta
Hi all, I’ve recently had an interest in becoming an airline pilot and have been researching on all that I have to go through to get a 1st class medical with taking an SSRI. I’m taking Prozac which is an approved medication however I’ve seen that it can be costly and time consuming to stay on my medication and go through testing for special issuance. I noticed there was the option of getting off the medication and after 60 days I could potentially be issued a standard medical if my prescribing doctor can prove that I’m stable and everything is good but I’ve also read that it can be a trap that will get me put into automatic denial.

I was wondering if anyone has some insight into which will be the better option overall. I have at least 6 months until I can even start flight training but I need my first class medical to enroll in the program.
Your best option is to contact Dr. Bruce Chien, @bbchien . Bruce co-authored the original FAA protocol for SSRIs. Look at any of his postings and you’ll see contact info. He can look at your history and give you an accurate assessment of what you’re facing and make some recommendations.
do understand the concept of "approved" ssri. Many people think approved means you can take it. What it actually means is that you can be on it and go through the protocol (pathway II) and be approved for a special issuance for continued use. It doesnt mean you can take it without special issuance.

You can look up the SSRI pathway I and II. I is for being off of any meds, II is for being on one of the 8 that are allowed.
if u have been on ssri for extended period decision path one is a no go