Sportys SP-200 Transceiver on the Fritz.


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 24, 2005
Montgomery County PA
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Adam Zucker
So I have a Sportys SP-200 Transceiver. I've had it for a good number of years and has never given me a moments trouble. It mostly sits in its pocket in my flight bag. I think my most recent use was a few months ago just to listen to when a friend was landing.

Last night I grab it out of my flight bag and it seemed as though it was left on so of course I got zip power. I popped of the battery pack that hold the 8 AA batteries to change out the batteries. I noticed one of the batteries had leaked and a bit of corrosion was evident on the contact.

I popped out the old batteries and cleaned the two contacts that had corrosion, with a bit of 120 grit sandpaper. I installed 8 new batteries but got nothing when I turned on the transceiver.

So I'm trying to figure out what the issue may be. Did the corrosion short out the radio? Do these Transceivers just eventually crap out? I'm wondering if I should try to do something else or if I should just can it and look for a new one? Thoughts?
Wash the corroded area with a Q-tip soaked in white vinegar. The green goo from the corrosion is alkaline, and the vinegar neutralizes it.
This may not fix your immediate problem, but it will help insure that all the corrosion is gone.
Wash the corroded area with a Q-tip soaked in white vinegar. The green goo from the corrosion is alkaline, and the vinegar neutralizes it.
This may not fix your immediate problem, but it will help insure that all the corrosion is gone.

Thanks Skip I thought I got it all off with the fine grit sand paper but the corrosion did bubble up with the vinegar, but it still did not work. Then Gary Shelby suggested I Swab the contacts well with some rubbing alcohol. So I got a Q-Tip and swabbed the contacts with ETOH. Gary said when those alkaline batteries leak they can leak the gel that keeps them solid inside and it can coat the coat the contacts and you need something that will cut the coating. Sure enough after using Skip's suggestion and then Gary's the Transceiver is working once again. Thanks Skip and Gary. Lots of great help and info on POA!
Thanks Skip I thought I got it all off with the fine grit sand paper but the corrosion did bubble up with the vinegar, but it still did not work. Then Gary Shelby suggested I Swab the contacts well with some rubbing alcohol. So I got a Q-Tip and swabbed the contacts with ETOH. Gary said when those alkaline batteries leak they can leak the gel that keeps them solid inside and it can coat the coat the contacts and you need something that will cut the coating. Sure enough after using Skip's suggestion and then Gary's the Transceiver is working once again. Thanks Skip and Gary. Lots of great help and info on POA!

I thought my old SP-200 was junk -- it's been sitting in a box for a year! My dad carries a SP-400 and after he lost his G1000 today was happy he had it on board... Made me pull out the 200 along with the Q-tips, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol...sure enough, I'm on the air again!

Thanks so much Skip & Gary!