as Jesse would say...I could care less...
I don't go to the spin zone but my beef is how those who do bring their animosities out of the spin zone with them. Some have argued that eliminating it will make the main forum less hospitable. I would argue otherwise...the vitriol in the main forums now is mostly brought in by spin zone participants.
And, for a case in point of this case IN the SZ. I didn't understand why FC got banned...assumed it had to be due to posts in the SZ since I didn't see anything overly egregious outside of it. So I pinged a buddy that was a SZ participant. He sent me a few examples of FC's then recent posts. I read them and was amazed that anyone could be this vile even from the safety of the internet keyboard...
Here are just a few of the gems:
"I HOPE you remember that stupid comment when someone is pistol whipping your communist a**, someday."
"Nope. you're the problem. Your hatred of everything white blinds you to everything true. Your jealous rage, unfocused jealousy, and make believe moral high ground, are combined into a parody of an adult trying to make a credible argument, it is all about skin color to you and nothing else, which makes you the f***** racist."
To a female member:
"Something tells me you have serious psychological problems, that include some type of gender, or sexual confusion, based on your hatred of men.
that's it, isn't it? You've got a bone for me.
Sorry to disabuse you of your fantasies, but I only do it with female humans."
Any questions as to why the SZ is going away? The MC has stated from the beginning that they don't have the time nor desire to moderate it...but it continues to consume vast amounts of their time because of over the top hatred being spewed.
And lastly...
...if the demise of the spin zone really really upsets you. I think you might want to re-evaluate your priorities in life...back slowly away from the keyboard...go fly...or at least realize that the world isn't inside the computer screen. The sun is still shining out there!