My instructor said something like this right before I soloed...
CFI: OK, you've learned how to get the airplane down without killing yourself. Great. Now I want to show you what happens when you get into a cross-controlled stall.
Me: A spin happens.
CFI: Right. The FAA says we're not supposed to do intentional spins. So we're going to go do an unintentional spin.
Me: oh #$%*... OK
We went up and did a one turn spin. I said "that was amazing!" He said "wanna do another one?" I said no.
So we did unusual attitudes under the hood instead and then an engine-out drill descending into the west TX heat. That was the only time I almost hurled during my training.
Anyway, it was a C152 Aerobat and it was really hard to make it spin. I recall he had to change direction and use a little aileron. Those things are stable, man.
Anyway, no harm in it if your instructor is proficient.