Thanks for the ideas everyone. Will anything be open (i.e. places to get food and grog) on Mackinac this early? Nashville has been on our radar, as had Pidgeon Forge. However, I do like the thought of saying away from rocks due to potential wx issues. Again, we'll see what the weather gods say. D.C. has been a persistent thought, as my wife has an aunt who is due a visit, and yes it is a fun place to visit, and we can see old friends in the bargain. Chicago is out until someone has the sense to replace the despot they put in charge there. My wife went to Shipshewana last year, and probably will do so again. She said it is quite a place. I'll tell the Mrs. about Madison, although I would more likely fly her to Madison Wisconsin, which I've always thought was great little town. I like the thought of going west, as I'm less likely to try and beat westbound wx on the way in for the return trip.