Space Available on the OSH Trailer

Jay Honeck

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 6, 2008
Ingleside, TX
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Jay Honeck
After 28 years at OSH I figured there HAD to be a better way then to pack Atlas full to the tippy-top each July. That whole "put the jig-saw puzzle together" thing was getting old, and there was always stuff that we just couldn't fit in the plane.

After much pondering, I settled on the idea of buying a trailer, and leaving it in OSH. We tossed around the idea of renting a storage unit near the field, instead, but that just wouldn't get our gear close enough to the action.

So this was our first year after buying our shiny 16' covered trailer, with all of our Oshkosh Airventure camping gear inside.

It worked GREAT. We had our tent, bikes, coolers, awnings, sleeping bags -- you name it -- all pre-positioned in the private parking area in the woods just through the fence in the North 40, near the red shower building. (Thanks goes to a good farmer friend, who keeps the trailer in one of his out-buildings for 51 weeks a year -- and then hauls it to the field for OSH.)

We currently have 5 people on board. After seeing how it went, we appear to have room for one or two more, so if you're interested, here's how it works:

1. A one-time fee of $200 gets you a giant plastic tote that you are welcome to padlock. This thing is huge -- you could use it as casket, practically -- and easily holds a tent, sleeping bags, etc. in a sealed-up, mouse-proof box.

That $200 also helps defray the cost of the trailer.

The tote is clearly labeled as yours, and is stacked on shelves in the front.

You also have room for 2 full-sized bikes. These get parked in the back of the trailer, behind all the totes.

2. $50/year thereafter helps defray the cost of maintenance, space rent in one of the out-buildings, space rent in the wooded parking area during the show, and the effort and time it takes my farmer friend to schlep the thing to the Airventure grounds.

If you're an OSH regular, this is the ultimate luxury. Mary and I can now literally fly to OSH in a Breezy, and STILL have everything imaginable at our campsite, from generators to blenders! :D

If you're interested in purchasing a spot, PM me.
No kidding... I would like to know though, if the trailer is parked by the red shower house and you happen to get parked by the post office/Basler on the opposite side of the North 40, or even anywhere on that side (Friar Tuck's even) the moving logistics. I can see that getting the gear from the trailer to your camp site might make for a long day.
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One of the ideas that got kicked around this year in our group was getting PODS involved instead if renting an offsite storage locker. The idea was to get them to rent us storage units that could be stored some where on the grounds for most of the year and then a day or two before the show starts they bring the units out for a short amount of time and we unload our stuff. They then haul the pods units off to a remote point and the day after the show closes they bring them back and we reload. It seems like it might be a win-win for everyone. I emailed my idea off to a convention address I found on the website and I got a email back today saying it was being routed to the proper people We will have to see what happens. The idea of having them bring the pod out to use rather then use having to get the stuff from a remote area appeals to me.
No kidding... I would like to know though, if the trailer is parked by the red shower house and you happen to get parked by the post office/Basler on the opposite side of the North 40, or even anywhere on that side (Friar Tuck's even) the moving logistics. I can see that getting the gear from the trailer to your camp site might make for a long day.

Even being camped CLOSE to the Red Showers still meant schlepping a lot of stuff. So...I bought a trailer for the bicycle that I leave in the trailer. You know, one of those deathtraps that holds two little kids? Bought it at Target (near the field) for 0.09 AMUs, and it was GREAT.

It allowed me not only to move all of my gear to my site more easily, but it let me pedal over to Pick & Save to shop for fud, beer, ice, etc. It worked GREAT.

Since we can't all use my bike, however, I need a better solution for all. For next year, therefore, we will get one of those big-wheeled, plastic garden wheel barrow-type carts, and leave it in the trailer. This will make schlepping everybody's stuff much easier.

To be able to fly to OSH with just the clothes in our bags was great. When we get that RV-8, someday, we will STILL have all the stuff we always had at OSH, despite no longer having Atlas's enormous useful load.

That is cool! :)
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How hard is it to get a car/SUV next to the plane in the North 40?
How hard is it to get a car/SUV next to the plane in the North 40?

Most years it has been incredibly difficult. Sometimes impossible.

This year, it was easier, but still not a slam-dunk. Some of the guards could be schmoozed, while others could not. It helps to be driving a big, black Suburban, like my friends were this year. (All he needed were the flashing lights and little flags on the fenders...)

Regardless, getting a car into the North 40 is never something you can count on happening when you need it to happen.
One of the ideas that got kicked around this year in our group was getting PODS involved instead if renting an offsite storage locker. The idea was to get them to rent us storage units that could be stored some where on the grounds for most of the year and then a day or two before the show starts they bring the units out for a short amount of time and we unload our stuff. They then haul the pods units off to a remote point and the day after the show closes they bring them back and we reload. It seems like it might be a win-win for everyone. I emailed my idea off to a convention address I found on the website and I got a email back today saying it was being routed to the proper people We will have to see what happens. The idea of having them bring the pod out to use rather then use having to get the stuff from a remote area appeals to me.

Yeah, EAA could make a lot of money by just building on-site storage units, and renting them out to regular convention-goers. Dunno why they've missed that trick -- they haven't missed very many other money-making opportunities over the years.

The trailer is essentially the same idea, except we park it on private land next to a home that is located directly adjacent to the North 40, by the Red Shower building. There is no EAA-owned property as close to the N40, to my knowledge.