Southeast PoA [Pre Xmas Burgers] - GMU [2019]


Line Up and Wait
Feb 5, 2016
Morrisville, NC
Display Name

Display name:
Rough River-MVP '22

Location: Greenville Downtown Airport [KGMU]
Place: Runway Café
Date: December 14th, 2019
Time: Noon until....


Group Photo Dec 16th, 2017


@Dave Theisen
@Bill Watson
@Radar Contact
@Lance F
@Bill Jennings
@Matthew K
Officially Coming List/Weather Permitting
  • RDUPilot
  • BrianNC
  • Gwt9678
  • RDUPilot
  • Dave Theisen
  • Ryanb
  • Grum.Man
  • Bill Jennings
  • MidlifeFlyer
  • CJones
  • Flocker
  • BFlynn
  • Matthew K
  • Fracpilot

Tentative Coming List
  • Tree96
  • Eman1200

DATE: DECEMBER 21st, 2019


Date: January 4th, 2020
Time: Noon until....

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Information on where the restaurant is on the ramp relation to all runways at GMU.

Location: Greenville Downtown Airport [KGMU]
Place: Runway Café
Date: December 14th, 2019
Time: Noon until....

Group Photo Dec 16th, 2017

View attachment 79422

@Dave Theisen
@Bill Watson
@Radar Contact
@Lance F
@Bill Jennings
Officially Coming List
  • BrianNC
  • Gwt9678
  • RDUPilot

I'm offended. Triggered, maybe. I wave my private parts in your general direction.
In if the weather is good!
Dang. Already have two early Christmas events that day. If the weather pushes it to the 21st I'm in.

Well, since I'm not on the official invitee list, I guess I'll just be a party crasher. :D If weather and basketball schedules align, I'll try to be there.
Well, since I'm not on the official invitee list, I guess I'll just be a party crasher. :D If weather and basketball schedules align, I'll try to be there.
You are now officially on the invite list... errr No need to crash at the party... :D
I could use a weekend GA getaway. Wx is a big factor.
I’ve reserved a plane for the 14th. In a week or two, I’ll reserve the 21st as backup.
*cough* I've attended the past two years but I'm not on the invitee list o_O

Unless something comes up out of the blue, I should be there :)
Put me down. I’m off that day.

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Please add me to the list, but I will not be able to make this one as my plane will be in shop for panel upgrade.
The Way, Way, Way too early weather report... :D


Just sayin...
Unfortunately, the forecast 1 week out is the same...rain Sat.

The forecast for today in Atlanta has been rain for several days. And then it finally changed yesterday. Just cloudy now. So you never know what will happen.

Not to mention some of us do have instrument ratings. ;)
It's looking more and more like I will not make it regardless of the weather. I'm still holding hope that the Yankee will be fixed before then, but that does not seem likely.
A lot can change in 7 days time. Let’s keep an eye on it.
I definitely won’t be there. I thought it was originally going to be at KGTU. I misread it. Sorry y’all.

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The forecast for today in Atlanta has been rain for several days. And then it finally changed yesterday. Just cloudy now. So you never know what will happen.

Not to mention some of us do have instrument ratings. ;)
Yeah, but there is this winter thing called ice that can get in the way.

But in my case, on this flight I will be limited to VFR.
Sooooo I'm going to be doing a motorcycle course on the 14th. So as of right now I will not be attending unless weather forces the meetup to be pushed back to the 21st.
Rain out date I had posted originally is Dec 21st. Another suggestion is Jan 4th with the South Carolina Breakfast Club the following day at GMU as well... So I put it to the board for vote on an alternate....
I had already booked the plane for the 21st just in case. I just booked it for January 4 also depending on what everybody decides.
You are correct.. the Rain date for this fly-in would be the 4th and then if folks would like stay the nite and do the SCBC in the morning and head out.

Got it, I'm not good at reading. :confused:
So is the 21st still a rain date or are we going straight to the 4th?