Source of overwing vapor trail

Faster air = lower temp. Lower temp = air molecules hold less water before being fully saturated. Or something like that.
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It's a vortex generator on the nacelle or "nacelle chine." Creates a vortice at high AOA that rides over the top of the wing. Energizes the boundary layer and reduces stall speed a few knots. C-17 is a good example.
Vortex forming at the pylon/wing intersection or some other 'trip' is passing over the leading edge and aft. High speed, low pressure in the vortex causes the water in the air to come out of solution forming the vapor you see marking the path of the vortex.

spun up
Silly newbies..... Clearly a chemtrail generator. It's the latest fad, like "Rollin' coal" in a diesel.
Thanks. So not a bleed air vent or something that is releasing a gas. Just an airflow disturbance and local low pressure. Sure looks like it is being released from a tube it is so cylindrical.
Someone pressed the wings come off button and you're seeing the exhaust of the cutter. Since your still here, they pressed the emergency stop before the cutter reached the spar.
It's a vortex generator on the nacelle or "nacelle chine." Creates a vortice at high AOA that rides over the top of the wing. Energizes the boundary layer and reduces stall speed a few knots. C-17 is a good example.

I've seen them on the 737 too, possibly 757.. can't remember now haha.