Kent: LOL! True.
Waited for the wind to slack off then went and did 1.2 night in 79M tonight. Was 040 at 11G15 for runway 35L/R. Good practice.
Went out East out from under the Bravo shelf and played with the A/P too, since we haven't had much time to try it out since the repairs in January with the Bladder in February and the Annual in March.
Otto wouldn't pass an Instrument checkride, but I think he'd keep you generally upright and maybe even on course until you pulled your own head out of the up-and-locked position.
He flew a decent one-axis ILS, held headings within 15 degrees (with a lot of hunting left/right but you could coax him into settling down), made decent two-minute turns, and kinda tracked a VOR radial off of FQF. He seemed "happier" tracking Nav 2 than Nav 1. Interesting.
79M is flying great after Annual. They tightened a loose right aileron cable and it's noticeable if you're paying attention for it, especially in cruise. Feels better. Barry noticed it too.
In fact, both Barry and I felt we were seeing slightly higher ground speeds on our respective GPS gadgetry yesterday during the Poker Run and that seemed to continue tonight for me. Maybe 3-4 knots. We didn't see any indication that any tach changes/adjustments were made during Annual but I haven't seen the final list of items.
I wonder if we've been drooping an aileron for a while? There used to be a bit of a tendency to want to roll in cruise if you reached for something in the back seat and now that seems to be gone too.
I think we were out of rig with the ailerons. Interesting. We had talked about doing a CPA style full-rigging, but right now, it seems great. Probably should quit while we're ahead.
The prop was also pretty dinged up and we specifically asked the shop to dress it. It's much better not feeling a bunch of little pits along the leading edge during preflight. There's still one tiny one there, but much nicer! Could be related to the speed change. More likely it was the right aileron, though.
I'm going to want to go do an X-C and see if it beats the usually planned speeds we've always seen, soon.
Should'a gone to SNY with Clark!
I also got to see the complex bellcrank setup that interconnects the ailerons and flaps during the annual for the Robertson STOL kit. It's not just a triangle shaped wedge pushing on the aileron cables like I've seen on some aircraft.
Quite a bit more complex than that. Neat to watch with all the inspection panels off. Not sure I 100% "get it" even after watching it, but it works.
Need to go look up when we'll make a big mess... Ahem... I mean, how close we are to oil change. It'll come up quick if we all get back to doing some flying.
New job is 3.1 miles from the house and about 4 miles from KAPA. I can see that being quite nice -- vs the 27 mile one-way commute I've been doing for seven years! Yay! Start the new job May 2nd.