For January 6, it’s 60deg and sunny. Sitting out on the back deck and able to get a tan makes the winter not so bad...
It was a beautiful day to fly and fly a few of us did. Flew the club 172 and met a couple of Mooney pilots named @eman1200 and @RDUPilot plus a lovely lady friends of eman's at MTV (Blue Ridge) for lunch. Great burger! Lots of planes in and out of there today. Good times. Had hoped to see a third POA Mooney there but @FlySince9 is still keeping his new Mooney hidden from the rest of us or maybe just from me. Come on man!
Really sorry I missed that one... in between midnight shifts...
A decent rainstorm in SoCal yesterday. We really need it! I put the time to good use and started my annual inspection.