SoCal helps student pilot

Well, I can give her credit for having the presence of mind to ask for help, but... :frown2: Scary. She was just not up to dealing with the situation.
I know that area- not a good place to be lost at night, especially when you're upset and don't want to be embarrassed by not making it to your intended destination. That poor controller was obviously worried when she started descending among those hills.
We're all lucky that so many controllers are ready, willing and able to do more than merely provide separation. That guy did a great job! :thumbsup:
I'm thinkin' there's little doubt the controller saved her assets.

Do controllers have a "bible" for dealing with lost/panicing students? There's obviously a fine line to walk with an unstable driver and it's gotta be difficult when all one does is set in a dark room and talk to people that they never see. All that said, at one point the controller was asking the student to identify the airport low and right from a Cherokee. I'm thinkin' that was a non-starter. Put the airport on the student pilot's left and they're much more likely to see it IMNSHO.

Again the controller did a heck-of-a-good job dealing with something that he really shouldn't of had to deal with. Maybe a little orientation on how small aircraft drivers look out the window would've helped a little in this situation.
I wonder how she ended up in that situation. She was obviously completely incapable to deal with the situation. Scary stuff.