So there was this test...

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
Of the national (is that capitalized) emergency wireless notification system.

I was out on a bike ride with two pilot friends of mine. Actually one pilot friend of mine and her husband and I know that sounds awkward but trust me it wasn't. Anyway, about 30 miles in to a 43 miler, um... we will name him.... Paul. Paul's phone starts going nuts. At first I think there are bicycle cops behind us sirens blaring wanting us to stop. I do not know what police bicycle sirens sound like but if I had to wager a guess, they would sound like that. A moment later, um... we will name her... Jill. I should have named Paul Jack. Dammit. Anyway, her phone starts going nuts.

I read on the news. Literally, I was reading the close captioning on the news station yesterday at the gym that on Wednesday there would be some national EAS test. I assumed that would be where if you were a submarine commander and you got fragmented orders to nuke Russia and China you would start some conflict with Denzel Washington and at the end of the day he would prevail. I quickly ruled that scenario out. I fully expected my telephone to sound the nucular alert next but it never did.

Short story long, as in longer than it probably should be but I have been watching too many @SixPapaCharlie videos lately so I felt compelled to give the complete account, as a short version does not work with FSDO from what I hear. At any rate, although my non-Android phone with soon to be antiquated charging cables did not sound even though the others did, I did notice something peculiar.

In the past, I would get notifications of some terrible event like an Amber child abduction or perhaps a zombie outbreak but I was powerless to do anything about it because I could never actually read the full message. It would flash briefly on the lockscreen, then disappear, and nothing could be done to retrieve it. Bad system. This time, it actually stuck. On the lockscreen only, maybe it is someplace else but it stayed long enough to read the text that it was a test of the national wireless attack submarine alert system, and it stayed there until I actively acknowledged the message. I'm not entirely sure it involved attack submarines and I think it may not have, but at least I was able to determine that it was a legitimate, non-fragmented message that Denzel Washington never would have questioned.

Oh the pilot friend. Friends. Friend. They are from the PB. We used to meet in Santa Rosa at another PB pilot's house, and ride the Tour De Fuzz. This time they were camping out in a local 916 campground at a lake by a prison made famous by Johnny Cash and we did a ride and ate hamburgers and drank beer.

And we are about out. I need to make a beer run.
TLDR, me too.
I got the same thing, it really screwed up a drive on the practice range. But I do feel safer now that I know I'll get advance warning of nuclear obliteration.
I hope they had the unlimited texting plan
I think someone pushed the wrong button...

I got it three three different languages. Did everyone?

that's always bugged me about those alerts... it only stays on the phone for a partial read...and taht's if you look at it right away.... I have found it in the settings to look at previous messages, but it takes effort to find it buried in there...and why would you when at least 99.9789% of the time there' snot really enough meaningful information in teh message for me to do anything about, and it's normally an event on the other side of the state anyway.
I heard a commercial later that day that started with "THIS IS NOT A TEST..."
I was flying with my GF yesterday when my butt felt this vibration for a minute. I immediately hit “nearest” on ForeFlight suspecting that either a) the wing on the 1946 Ercoupe was about to fall off, b) the main gear had departed as a result of my last less than perfect landing or c) a covert signal from SWMBO in the right seat. Fortunately I recalled the Practice Alert for an attack of the killer tomatoes before I dove toward the “nearest”.

Later this proved a wise choice.
I was teaching a class and in the middle of my somewhat brilliant and moving lecture, the screeching alert began to sound. As soon as it stopped, after about 2 minutes, a few other phones started blasting, then a couple minutes later, a few more phones... I thought I smelled chemtrails...