Well, I think my main quarrel with the media is that they went all-in on sensationalism and click-bait headlines/opinion rather than being a non-partisan source for facts and information. It's always been a part of news media for sure, but its severity is increasingly apparent. Unfortunately, if they just stated the facts without adding any color or opinions as to the potential effects of "X" situation or "Y" event, they wouldn't be able to fill up a 24-hour news cycle. I honestly believe there would be less panic as well as less divisiveness in the US if it weren't for news media personalities spouting their vitriol about EVERYTHING constantly. Tying that back to the topic: I think most shortages or supply interruptions would be barely perceptible, if at all, until a media source sensationalizes something small by saying things like "couple have rippling effects across the nation". Viola! Virtual shortage made manifest.