Smithsonian Air and Space Udvar-Hazy Center Pilot Day - June 15


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Jul 31, 2007
Catawba, NC
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The annual Become A Pilot family day and exhibition is coming up (as always the day before father's day). This event brings aircraft from gliders to transport to the Udvar-Hazy ramp so you can meet and talk with the pilots and see the aircraft. Lots of activities for kids as well.

I'll be there as usual (look for the Navion with the giant teddy bear).
My wife is the air boss for this event. I've been involved every year it's been happening. Yes, you get to taxi from Dulles down to the museum if you are one of the invited aircraft (otherwise, go to Landmark or Signature and ask them for a lift down).

Early Saturday morning, the two gates (one up by the run up block on the south end of Runway 1R) and one further down by the museum are opened. This "tow road" (they don't refer to it as a taxiway) allows you to taxi into position. Margy imports a bunch of friends who are the Vintage Parking regulars at Airventure (Cathy "Colorado Cutie" McGurran runs the main intersection that sorts the planes to the particular ramps). Others made up other other Oshkosh regulars, some of the museum docents, and other volunteers get you into position on the ramp.

At 10AM, the gates are closed, the aircraft are shutdown and secured, and the public AFTER receiving a safety briefing about not touching aircraft in general and especially staying away from propellers, are allowed out on the ramp. Pilots are required to stay by their aircraft and talk to the public for as much of the event as they can. Some allow people to sit/enter their aircraft. It's up to the pilot. I counted something like 300 kids in and out of the Navion during the event.

At 3PM people are shoed off the ramp. Many go and stand on the far side of the fence (or in an area that's designated a spectator area) and watch the exodus of the aircraft.

Some people (like myself) usually park overnight the day before at one of the FBOs. Having been based at Dulles for many years I typically lead the procession of people who are at the FBO down to the event as a "flight of 10" or whatever. I put something distinctive in the back as tail end charile (A biplane, or in one case, John and Martha King's falcon jet) so that the tower has a pretty good idea where the end is. One day they were holding a US Air flight from entering the gate while we went by. Tower told the pilot no charge for the parade of antique aircraft.

Normal SFRA procedures are in play, though we have "flight of two'd" in some NORDO ships in the past. The most amusing one was the Curtiss Pusher replica which couldn't make turns on the taxiway. Every time he got to a turn point he'd hop out, pick up the nose gear, swing it around, and get back in.
The most amusing one was the Curtiss Pusher replica which couldn't make turns on the taxiway. Every time he got to a turn point he'd hop out, pick up the nose gear, swing it around, and get back in.

ABC Airline Pilot PA announcement while waiting for Curtiss pilot to 'turn' on the taxiway: "Now, folks, if you look out the right side of the aircraft, you will see a member of the XYZ Airline pilot training program. Looks like he has been upgraded to the level two trainer. He'll be in the XYZ regional jets next week. Thanks again for flying ABC Airline."
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Every year with the Navion? I've applied several times and have never been asked to come.

Whaddaya got to do, sleep with someone to get an invite?

Oh, wait . . . just read your second post.

Margy says they take the first of type that applies. However if you've got a good story let us know and we'll see ....
Every year with the Navion? I've applied several times and have never been asked to come.

Whaddaya got to do, sleep with someone to get an invite?

Oh, wait . . . just read your second post.


You have to sleep with the curator ;-)
Margy isn't a curator. I know most of the curators, while I respect them and they are interesting people, I'd not sleep with them.
I'm flying in! So excited. I've been involved there for about four years (two as a volunteer, two as a paid "explainer," their job for older high-school and college-aged whippersnappers like me). So I've worked BaP for years now, both before I got my PPL and since. I've wanted to fly in ever since, but it hasn't worked out for one reason or another. I know Margy, which I'm sure didn't hurt, but when I said "thank you!" she said "Psh, you made it on your own. You're the antithesis of guys who usually fly LSAs." Plus, my ride IS pretty sweet...not gonna lie:


Come by and say hi!
It's a juggling game on picking aircraft. It's usually the first of type to apply, unless there's something particular about pilot or plane. Each year is a bit different, so the line up emerges as planes apply. For example, this year will be the year of the Cessna as I have a 140, 150 Texas Taildragger, 152, 170, 172, 172, 177, 180, 182 and a Turbo 206 on amphib floats. Here I broke the one of type rule as I have a 1961 172 and Cessna offered to bring a brand new, glass cockpit (and they are bringing a generator to light it up). So I figured the age difference would be fun to show. Kinda the airplane most can afford now and the one you dream about :).

I had a number of 182's apply this year, so my program assistant and I read the details provided by the pilots and we picked the one that sounded like they would be most dynamic on the line. We try to get most of the planes ones that kids can climb in and out of, but we know some types no normal person would have people in and out, so we include some of them as well. There's always a waiting list to get in and very often some drop out right before the show. Then it's whoever answers their phone first :). Sadly some people say they apply every year and have never been invited. We don't keep track of who applied last year, etc. so if you have been trying year after year, and mention it on the application, with some really good stories (and apply on Feb. 1) you may pull at the heart strings.

It's all about putting on the best presentation for the public.
I'm flying in! So excited. I've been involved there for about four years (two as a volunteer, two as a paid "explainer," their job for older high-school and college-aged whippersnappers like me). So I've worked BaP for years now, both before I got my PPL and since. I've wanted to fly in ever since, but it hasn't worked out for one reason or another. I know Margy, which I'm sure didn't hurt, but when I said "thank you!" she said "Psh, you made it on your own. You're the antithesis of guys who usually fly LSAs." Plus, my ride IS pretty sweet...not gonna lie:


Come by and say hi!
Oh, yes, it does help if you are a volunteer in good standing :) I've not yet had to turn down a volunteer who wanted to fly in (except they can't volunteer doing anything else but being with their plane on Become a Pilot Day if they are flying in, so they have to make a choice!!)
Don't forget the event is this Saturday. The weather is looking good.
We had a chance to visit the Udar-Hazy center about 5 years ago and it was awesome! The place is huge!! This post tells me it's time to get back to DC.
We had a chance to visit the Udar-Hazy center about 5 years ago and it was awesome! The place is huge!! This post tells me it's time to get back to DC.

And they're always adding stuff, so there are tons of new planes there now that you haven't seen! Not to mention that we got our new (used) shuttle, Discovery, last year! Though I do have to looks a lot like the old one :).
I have in my possession this neat CAD plot of the exhibit locations in the museum. It's color coded based on whether it's sitting on the floor, hanging middle, or high. I keep telling them they need to sell these in the gift shop. They could publish updates in Air and Space magazine (anybody remember the Satellite Sky poster?).