AggieMike88 Touchdown! Greaser! Joined Jan 13, 2010 Messages 20,804 Location Denton, TX Display Name Display name: The original "I don't know it all" of aviation. Jul 26, 2017 #1
Zeldman Touchdown! Greaser! Joined Jun 13, 2014 Messages 17,969 Location high desert NM Display Name Display name: Billy Jul 26, 2017 #2 Now that's entertainment..!!!! I thought this would be about slicing the fromage in a crowded plane...... which I have never done.......
Now that's entertainment..!!!! I thought this would be about slicing the fromage in a crowded plane...... which I have never done.......
Mistake Not... Cleared for Takeoff Joined Jun 18, 2013 Messages 1,251 Display Name Display name: Mistake Not... Jul 26, 2017 #3 Dude, you can blame it on the plane. "What? That smell? Air cooled engines do that, especially at altitude. Perfectly normal."
Dude, you can blame it on the plane. "What? That smell? Air cooled engines do that, especially at altitude. Perfectly normal."