Simple logbook?


Oct 19, 2016
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Where can I get a nice but simple old fashioned paper logbook? Seems like all I see have all these columns for instrument, simulator, multi engine, PIC/SIC, all these things I don't do or care about. Except for currency and flight reviews, I don't have to log anything, it's for my own memories, like "nice day" or "formation flying with Stan". I fly an experimental biplane, strictly day VFR. All I want are columns for solo/pic, dual, cross country, maybe night, and a few blank columns for personal use, and notes. My very first logbook was like that, the next couple had all those columns I never used, my most recent one I actually made myself, with a nice bonded leather cover. Now I'm down to the last page in my current book, I could make another but I'd rather not if I can buy one.
Any pilot supply company, Sportys, Pilot Mall, Spruce, probably even Amazon. A bunch of ‘em out there. Just buy the basic, cheapest one.
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Any pilot supply company, Sportys, Pilot Mall, Spruce, probably even Amazon. A bunch of ‘em out there.

If any of them had what I want I wouldn't have asked, believe me, I've looked. They're all exactly what I don't want.
If any of them had uff. what I want I wouldn't have asked, believe me, I've looked. They're all exactly what I don't want.

Man I just saw something like that somewhere, just this morning when I was reading some training stuff. I’ll try to find it.
Young Eagles paper logbook? :)

OK, maybe not that simple.

I fly for enjoyment. Part of that enjoyment is having nice things, like a nice plane, or a nice logbook that will be a pleasure to leaf through when I'm too old to fly. Flying an old biplane, I want something like a pilot in 1930 might have had.
Roll your own with a spreadsheet?
Roll your own with a spreadsheet?

That's what I did last time, more or less, and probably will again, if I can't find it for sale. I'm just really surprised I can't find what I want, you'd think there are lots of others like me who'd like something like this.
That's what I did last time, more or less, and probably will again, if I can't find it for sale. I'm just really surprised I can't find what I want, you'd think there are lots of others like me who'd like something like this.
Based on the lack of a solution I expect there is a lack of demand
The reality is those more complex books meet the demand of the 1930 biplane flyer and the KA-90 pilot owner and everything in between.
There really are not enough pilots to subdivide the market further. I mean how often do you replace your log book?

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Make your own columns. I have been doing this since 2001 and on my third spiral notebook.

I will say it is a little tiring doing my own columns.