?siht si gnos tahW

I figured it out before they played it "backward", but just barely... I think he's singing it - there are enough little flubs when the thing's played backward to convince me.

SOMEone has a LOT of time on his hands! :eek:
I figured it out before they played it "backward", but just barely... I think he's singing it - there are enough little flubs when the thing's played backward to convince me.

SOMEone has a LOT of time on his hands! :eek:

I picked it out about halfway through the backwards part. The on screen clues helped :D
I hate to be a party poop, but this wouldn't be too hard to do by cheating. Think lip synching. I'll buy that this guy really did it.

It can be done but it sure wastes a lot of neurons. A classmate of mine in college could do a couple of songs this way. He'd stand up in the dining hall and regale us with "Wolley Enirambus". Brainey guy but he wasn't good for much else.

actually, I could figure it out as he went, but that's only because, I've found, generally, if you say a word backwards, it come out near right. If you wanted to say "hello" backwards, actually saying "olleh" works. don't believe me? Try it.