Show looking for a pilot


Filing Flight Plan
Apr 3, 2014
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Hi all,

A friend of mine forwarded this email to me and I thought I would pass it along:


I am writing you on behalf of the television production company I work for as we are looking to do an exciting new docu-series that will follow pilots as they investigate UFOs as well as other strange phenomena such as the Nazca lines and the Bermuda Triangle. We believe pilots bring an interesting perspective to the issue of UFOs because of their training and skill at sighting and identifying objects while flying.

Ideally, this pilot is a true believer that UFOs are aircraft sent by E.T's and would like to investigate the issue to prove that this is the case. This individual should want to have a show based around them with filming occurring frequently.

Below is the official casting call. I would really appreciate it if you could pass this information along to your members.

Producers of an exciting new docu-series are looking for pilots who have an interest in exploring reported UFO sightings. Investigated from the perspective of science, skepticism and true believers, these pilots will take flight in pursuit of identifying the source of unexplained sightings. It is of great interest to identify some pilots that have stories of their own concerning unidentified flying objects or lights.

To be considered, please respond with the following information to:


2. CONTACT INFORMATION (email, phone and Facebook address)

3. Are you a private, commercial, or retired pilot? How long have you been flying?

4. When it comes to U.F.O.'s and the E.T.'s, are you a true believer, skeptic or someone who turns to science for answers?

5. Have you ever witnessed a UFO sighting or some unusual phenomenon (or know someone who has)? If so, please tell us about it, where did it occur and in your opinion, what do you think it was?


POA Management Council wants to identify the nut jobs so they can be weeded out.
If there is a steady paycheck in it ,I believe anything you want .
If there is a steady paycheck in it ,I believe anything you want .

Hahaha, hey Winston! "Your honor, since I've been with these guy's I've seen ***** that will turn you white!"

It's a little late for the April Fools jokes, but that one wasn't bad.
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Hi all,

A friend of mine forwarded this email to me and I thought I would pass it along:


I am writing you on behalf of the television production company I work for as we are looking to do an exciting new docu-series that will follow pilots as they investigate UFOs as well as other strange phenomena such as the Nazca lines and the Bermuda Triangle. We believe pilots bring an interesting perspective to the issue of UFOs because of their training and skill at sighting and identifying objects while flying.

Hi all,

A friend of mine forwarded this email to me and I thought I would pass it along:


I am writing you on behalf of the television production company I work for as we are looking to do an exciting new docu-series that will follow pilots as they investigate UFOs as well as other strange phenomena such as the Nazca lines and the Bermuda Triangle. We believe pilots bring an interesting perspective to the issue of UFOs because of their training and skill at sighting and identifying objects while flying.

Ideally, this pilot is a true believer that UFOs are aircraft sent by E.T's and would like to investigate the issue to prove that this is the case. This individual should want to have a show based around them with filming occurring frequently.

Below is the official casting call. I would really appreciate it if you could pass this information along to your members.

Producers of an exciting new docu-series are looking for pilots who have an interest in exploring reported UFO sightings. Investigated from the perspective of science, skepticism and true believers, these pilots will take flight in pursuit of identifying the source of unexplained sightings. It is of great interest to identify some pilots that have stories of their own concerning unidentified flying objects or lights.

To be considered, please respond with the following information to:


2. CONTACT INFORMATION (email, phone and Facebook address)

3. Are you a private, commercial, or retired pilot? How long have you been flying?

4. When it comes to U.F.O.'s and the E.T.'s, are you a true believer, skeptic or someone who turns to science for answers?

5. Have you ever witnessed a UFO sighting or some unusual phenomenon (or know someone who has)? If so, please tell us about it, where did it occur and in your opinion, what do you think it was?


All right, I'll bite.


Michael Sarek. Well, that's what they used when I applied for my passport anyway. I couldn't really tell you what my actual "name" is. I know that a long time ago we used to use verbal descriptors but nowadays it's just embedded in a small chip. Saves a lot of excess dialog. The other thing is if we don't know our own name, we can't talk to ourselves, which is considered unproductive on a long intergalactic voyage.

2. CONTACT INFORMATION (email, phone and Facebook address)

We actually don't, um, use email or Facebook. Generally we can communicate remotely by means of mind meld. And phone plans for us tend to be a bit on the pricey side. We generally have to go with Satcom if we want to reach you guys on your cell phones.

3. Are you a private, commercial, or retired pilot? How long have you been flying?

That's a good question. I'm not sure where I fit within your regs. Technically I'm the equivalent of a commercial operator I guess, general aviation is pretty much non existent back home. I have approximately 455,000 hours of logged time but almost all of it is outside of the influence of gravity and atmosphere, so I suspect I would have some issues converting my credentials into an FAA certificate.

4. When it comes to U.F.O.'s and the E.T.'s, are you a true believer, skeptic or someone who turns to science for answers?

You know, to be honest, I kind of take issue with the the term "extra terrestrials." I mean, to us, you guys ARE the ET's.

5. Have you ever witnessed a UFO sighting or some unusual phenomenon (or know someone who has)? If so, please tell us about it, where did it occur and in your opinion, what do you think it was?

Look, I seen a lot of crazy **** out there. Once, there was this Romulan base set up on an asteroid, and they were actually running a prostitution ring and pimping out Wookies.

I mean, really, a Wookie. Come on, that's close to bestiality. How crazy is that.


Okay, okay....


Allright I'm pretty proud of this. I lost a lot of weight, and it's just before I started bulking up for competition. And I mean this doesn't really show true form, you oughtta see me when I flex out. Yeah I need to work on those abs I know, but I'm getting there.
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Oh, c'mon. It could be interesting and make for good entertainment. And pilots who believe in alien abductions and the like wouldn't necessarily be any nuttier than some of the other screwballs I've met in aviation over the years.

All right, I'll bite...

OK, I know LOL is an overused term on the internet these days, but I just had three coworkers prairy dog over the cube walls to figure out why I just busted out laughing in an otherwise quiet office!
All right, I'll bite.


Michael Sarek.

Hi Dad! I'm headed to the Presidio, I mean Starfleet, today. Can you meet me there? Bring some Altarian brandy and we can go looking for Data's head.

Live long, prosper, and don't forget the meds for Jim's space herpes.


Okay baby, looks like you get the exclusive interview. Ms. Sara Welch has a list of questions for me. I'll to my best to field them.

So what's with the name Thor? I thought you said your name was Michael Sarek?

Look lady, I did my homework on your culture right. I can't go walking around sporting a faux Anglo-Euro moniker. It's my rap name. Actually it's Mak Thor. A couple of my earth friends came up with it for me. I kind of like it.

Seems like most of your people feel that we need to have names like Zork or Zog, or some stereotypical crap like that. We hate that ****.

Do you guys... well I guess you're a guy, always walk around with no clothes on? Do you even wear clothes?

Oh hell yeah, we do. Actually we're in big thick space suits if we're outside the ship and believe it or not, we do have a concept similar to your modesty. But at the same time, we've been study your various world leaders to model ourselves after, and, there's one clear winner. Putin.

Wow. Is that thing, you know... what I think it is?

Yeah, it does more or less the same thing as your boyfriend's does. It's just bigger.

So, you have any opinions on our health care system?

That's funny. If I asked you if you had an opinion on our interplanetary political structure, would you be able to give me an intelligent answer? But you know what, here's my observation. I can go... no... I'm technically obligated to go buy a very expensive health care plan that covers, um... zero of my issues. Nada. Zippo. Zilch. I'll pass thank you.

As you might possibly be aware, there are many Americans, and other people from other countries, that believe that if you guys are for real, that you intend on taking over the Earth. Is that true?

To be honest with you, we thought about it, but we ran through the numbers and the return just isn't there. It's just a liability to us at this point. Your economies are, for the most part, in kind of bad shape. Especially yours. It kind of sucks to spend twelve years travelling through space at nearly the speed of light to arrive at that conclusion. But hey, I just view it as a vacation, it's all good.

So who do you think is the most influential person in our world, according to your observations?

Justin Bieber. But I'm biased. I'm actually convinced he may be one of our own.

Are you impressed with our own ability to travel into space, and even go to the moon?

Have you ever held a goldfish out of its bowl for a few minutes, and then dropped it back in?