Shoot Down - The Movie


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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Limited engagements... has anybody here seen it? I have to figure out how/where it's showing...

The Plot: A documentary that chronicles an event that took place on February 24th, 1996, in the airspace between the United States and Cuba; two military fighter jets dispatched by the Cuban government gunned down unarmed aircrafts operated by American civilians who were volunteering to aid refugees as they crossed the Florida Straits by whatever means available.

THE BUZZ: What is remarkable about this documentary, the first theatrical release from upstart distributor Rogues Harbor Studios, is that director Cristina Khuly, a niece of one of the doomed pilots, is a first-time filmmaker. If you would like to learn more about this hush-hushed incident that was in some ways a declaration of war, head over to the doc's official site, which is better organized than some of the current presidential campaigns.
It wasn't hushed up! I remember Madlen Albright being all upset with the pilots celebrating after they shot them down and the way I remember it they where told stay out of the area.
If you would like to learn more about this hush-hushed incident that was in some ways a declaration of war, head over to the doc's official site, which is better organized than some of the current presidential campaigns.

...but probably about as truthful. The incident was hardly hush-hushed: it was all over the papers at the time. It didn't get much long-term traction as the pilots had made several different flights over Cuban territory and the Cuban's told them to stop. They didn't, so the Cubans made sure they did. Thumbing one's nose at a dictatorship is rarely productive and the outcome, while tragic, is rarely surprising. Could make a good movie, though, as the story has lots of drama even though you know how it's going to end.

I just want to clarify that the text above was not MY words, but a copy/paste from a site about the movie... I wasn't suggesting it was a hushed-up event.