shave cream - who is using what

I'm mainly referring to the shave/ beard guys that make videos on their elaborate routines for what is a pretty simple process. The shave gel works fine, nothing to clean up. Pack of 8 Razor blades lasts me a year. Shave in the shower or at the sink, makes no difference aside from not being able to see anything you missed in the shower. If I were shaving daily or even every other day I might be looking for better alternatives. I generally only keep my beard in the cooler months, so I'm at the sink trimming that up every few weeks as well.
I have a mirror in my shower.
I alternate between straight razors and double-edged blades in a Merkur Progress razor. I like to put a dab of Prorasso cream (from the tube) on my brush and then lather it in a mug with a puck of Van Der Hagen Deluxe shaving soap. The combination is a very thick and delicious feeling lather that makes the morning shave a delight.
Edge Gel with Aloe, and BIC 3-blade system. The Edge gel is the magic ingredient!

I have a mirror in my shower.
Many years ago I had a highly polished stainless steel mirror that attached to the shower. It ran the water behind it to keep it from fogging. Somewhere along the years it got away from me, but it was really handy.
Red can Gillette. Double edge safety razor with Feather blades.

Tried to get all fancy by using 'shave butter' and one of those brush things. Didn't do anything better than the red can.

Don't need to shave much these days. Grew a beard, only have to shave around the edges.
Braun Series 7 electric. Has a cleaning station built into the charger. Works great, had it for years. Just replace the cutting head every year or so at $40. Who has the time to shave manually?
I used to be able to shave in the shower with soap but that was decades ago. Now it’s like 0.032 safety wire sticking out of my face.

Trying to shave without first showering and then shave cream feels like having wood splinters shoved under a fingernail, except on my face. Best I can describe it. Barbasol cream and Gillette 3 blade.
I used to use Art of Shaving with pre-shave oil and shaving soap cake with a brush.

But a pain when traveling. So tried Cremo in a tube. The hardest part is not using too much. For me, about 1/2 the size of pea works. So tube lasts a LONG time.
Braun Series 7 electric. Has a cleaning station built into the charger. Works great, had it for years. Just replace the cutting head every year or so at $40. Who has the time to shave manually?
I got one of these when I had some surgery to my face and they said I needed to use an electric razor for the duration. It still sucks badly compared to even an average blade shave. I've had just about every electric shaver technology over the years from the Remington (Bruno, shave Mr. Kayam incredibly close), a couple of Norelcos, and the Braun 7. I still keep going back to the blade.
But a pain when traveling.
THAT right there is the only downside I've found to using a safety razor. I used to be able to get a blade or thee past TSA in my carry-on with near 100% success (flaw in their process). Now it's 0%, and most places I go you simply can't buy blades, or at least blades that are better than the aforementioned Ka-Bar. So, it's check a bag for $30-60, or hope for the best, or just break down and carry a stupid disposable.

On the bright side, now that I'm no longer working it's not likely I'll fly anywhere with just a carry-on any more. If I'm flying now, it's probably for a vacation and we're packing everything.
I just use an electric trimmer to even things out when I start looking like a mountain man again.
I do the mug, brush, safety razor routine almost every morning. It takes maybe half a minute or so longer than it did when I was using canned shave cream and disposable razor. Like anything, I found there's an online community that can make a career/passion/obsession out of simply shaving in the morning if you really want to go down that rabbit hole of silliness, but I guarantee your father and grandfather didn't spend any 12-20 minutes a day shaving.

I was paying quite a bit even for Dollar Shave Club and Dorco disposables. Now I buy a 100-pack of double edge blades for about 10 bucks and it lasts me, on average, between 18-24 months. If I splurge on the really, really nice shave cream I'll spend about $20-25 annually on it... a guy could certainly use the canned stuff, I just prefer to use the brush.
Took me about a month to find a safety razor brand that I liked... I never understood why so many people recommended that you try multiple brands with a 'sample pack' until I did just that. There are some safety razor brands that are just don't feel good (aka dull glass being dragged across your skin).

Best fit (for me) is Astra platinum and a box of 100 lasts well over a year and costs $9.

LPT: I don't order blades off ebay, turns out that counterfeit blades are a real issue.
Once upon a time I used a shaving mug+puck+brush and a Gillette Atra. It worked well, gave me a close shave, and I enjoyed the hot lather.

But it eventually became too much of a hassle, so I switched to an electric shaver. I've been using a Norelco for many years now. It's not as close as a blade, but I don't really care. It's good enough, and it's simple, quick, and no problem with TSA.
My two sons moved out, they left a lifetime supply of various shaving creams. I need to use up this supply first.
Took me about a month to find a safety razor brand that I liked... I never understood why so many people recommended that you try multiple brands with a 'sample pack' until I did just that. There are some safety razor brands that are just don't feel good (aka dull glass being dragged across your skin).

Best fit (for me) is Astra platinum and a box of 100 lasts well over a year and costs $9.

LPT: I don't order blades off ebay, turns out that counterfeit blades are a real issue.
Happy Astra shaver here too. I haven’t tried but a couple others… always wanted to try Feather, though. But where do you buy yours? I’ve seen Russian made and Polish (or was it Czech) made.
Another vote for in the shower, haven’t bought cream in years. I run my blade backwards down my forearm a few times seems to lengthen blade life as your skin acts Ike an old leather strap they sharpened straight razors with…