Sexy Plane


Line Up and Wait
Feb 23, 2005
Long Island, NY
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WHen I got to Houston Bush airport the other day I noticed a real sexy plane on the ramp. It was a Bombardier Q400 painted in Qantas colors. Twin 6 blade props Baby. I did some reasearch & found out it is used as a demo plane. If you go to and type "C-GAFM" into "Keywords" it will show pictures of it in many other countrys.

My shot is attatched.

Eamon said:
WHen I got to Houston Bush airport the other day I noticed a real sexy plane on the ramp. I

Sorry Eamon, I equate sexy with high wings.
Eamon said:
WHen I got to Houston Bush airport the other day I noticed a real sexy plane on the ramp. It was a Bombardier Q400 painted in Qantas colors. Twin 6 blade props Baby. I did some reasearch & found out it is used as a demo plane. If you go to and type "C-GAFM" into "Keywords" it will show pictures of it in many other countrys.

My shot is attatched.

Nice and sleek. You could fly one of those, I bet, Eamon.
gibbons said:
Hey, I've been ripped off!! My Citabria doesn't even have a left seat. :no:

And it was built with the wings in the wrong spot!!
gibbons said:
Hey, I've been ripped off!! My Citabria doesn't even have a left seat. :no:

Have you done an aileron roll to the left yet?
N2212R said:
And it was built with the wings in the wrong spot!!

Is this coming from the gentleman who is coming to the farm for an aerobatic ride in the Citabria? :p
Diana said:
Is this coming from the gentleman who is coming to the farm for an aerobatic ride in the Citabria? :p

Gentleman? You must have me confused with someone else!
gibbons said:
Hey, I've been ripped off!! My Citabria doesn't even have a left seat. :no:
Sure it does. It's the one that was left when they took out the right seat.