Regardless of his Politics and his personal failings.
I'm saddened by his passing and the manner of his death. I do not wish either on anyone.
Offer condolences to his family.
Nothing more needs be said.
Those who feel the need to take a final stab should reconsider their own attitude about what is truly important.
I thought what was truly important in life, was life #1,truth, justice,fairness, those such as he, who claim to uphold these principals as the utmost importance,unyet not hold himself accountable is unworthty of any respect.
At least if he would have drown he would have been just an adulterer.
I can't think of a worse thing in the world as to be responsable for someone's death. Nothing else he ever did after that day could make up for that, and what about the rest of the family accepting it as it happened.
You're lucky your daughter never went out with him.
This is not a political shot or religious,just shows the unfairness that our leaders exploit to their own benefit as they seem to think themselves to be exempt from the law.
Cancer awful, he should have died years ago under the bridge, harsh yes but fair and just as he would (or should )have wanted.
This will never be settled ,millions in this country feel as I do on this, the other millions will turn a blind eye and ignore the Country's shame.
What is it with some people, he was just another guy who crapped like everyone else with there undies around his ankle's, why would anyone think more of him than any other poor slob, criminal ,etc.
And all this was paid for by you and I the taxpayer's,oops, sliding toward political.
(now I'm done)