Selling a plane: GAC or GAP?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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So I know all about the North 40, since I've gone there every time I've flown into OSH.

However, I know nothing about the GA Parking area - Where is it? Where would I be closer in and thus make it easier to sell an airplane?

I'd be happy with either camping with the plane in the North 40 or just parking the plane and camping in Scholler.

Park it with the other Mooneys if you can. I've noticed that when I walk the grounds with someone looking for a particular type, we always seem to walk by the biggest congregation of the type in hopes of finding "the one" for sale.

So I know all about the North 40, since I've gone there every time I've flown into OSH.

However, I know nothing about the GA Parking area - Where is it? Where would I be closer in and thus make it easier to sell an airplane?

I'd be happy with either camping with the plane in the North 40 or just parking the plane and camping in Scholler.

Park it with the other Mooneys if you can. I've noticed that when I walk the grounds with someone looking for a particular type, we always seem to walk by the biggest congregation of the type in hopes of finding "the one" for sale.

I won't be able to fly in with the Mooney Caravan, unfortunately - They're arriving Saturday afternoon, and I need to fly up there Friday night. But, that'll at least get me between the Mooneys and the North 40 gate if I go with GAC.

I'll actually be flying another airplane up on Friday, too, to go in GAP. Where is GAP, anyway? :dunno:
I won't be able to fly in with the Mooney Caravan, unfortunately - They're arriving Saturday afternoon, and I need to fly up there Friday night. But, that'll at least get me between the Mooneys and the North 40 gate if I go with GAC.

I'll actually be flying another airplane up on Friday, too, to go in GAP. Where is GAP, anyway? :dunno:

GAP is either the North 40 or the Vintage along runaway 27. Put it in either and it will get plenty of exposure. There are also boards where you can post ads.
I won't be able to fly in with the Mooney Caravan, unfortunately - They're arriving Saturday afternoon, and I need to fly up there Friday night. But, that'll at least get me between the Mooneys and the North 40 gate if I go with GAC.

I'll actually be flying another airplane up on Friday, too, to go in GAP. Where is GAP, anyway? :dunno:

Perhaps you can try moving the plane after you know where the Mooneys are parking. Chat with the flight line folks to help you with the logistics.
GAP is either the North 40 or the Vintage along runaway 27. Put it in either and it will get plenty of exposure. There are also boards where you can post ads.

I tend to think that anything along 18/36 gets more exposure than anything along 9/27 in the North 40. Personally, I feel odd walking around the North 40 unless I'm going somewhere; it feels like I'm invading people's privacy - like walking around a campground or something. Planes parked along 18/36 seem like they are more on "show." Just my thoughts.
I tend to think that anything along 18/36 gets more exposure than anything along 9/27 in the North 40. Personally, I feel odd walking around the North 40 unless I'm going somewhere; it feels like I'm invading people's privacy - like walking around a campground or something. Planes parked along 18/36 seem like they are more on "show." Just my thoughts.

Can't really disagree. More folks camp in the North 40 that the vintage, though, thus more folks moving about. Don't really know which is better. I always camp in the North 40 because it's closer to restaurants. Can't eat on the field.
I heard tonight that GAP puts you waaaaaaayyyyyy up by the FBO, where there isn't much traffic. So, GAC it is, flying in Friday night should get me a pretty good spot south of 9/27. If I can get it by the perimeter road, even better - Then all the North 40 dwellers will go past it a few times every day!
I heard tonight that GAP puts you waaaaaaayyyyyy up by the FBO, where there isn't much traffic. So, GAC it is, flying in Friday night should get me a pretty good spot south of 9/27. If I can get it by the perimeter road, even better - Then all the North 40 dwellers will go past it a few times every day!

Depends when you get there. Last year I was right down by the showers. Everyone passed my airplane every day.
GAC, general airplane camping. Of course, I camp with the aircraft there.

OK yup, that's why I'm going with GAC instead of GAP. I guess "residents" get better parking. :rofl:

Hopefully a Friday night arrival will put me east of the showers. I usually arrive Sunday night - In 2006 that put me right next to the showers, subsequent years it put me all the way up east of the Hilton.
Friday night should put you well east of the showers, thus everyone will have to pass your airplane on the way in. A large highly-visible "for sale" banner might be a wise investment.
Friday night should put you well east of the showers, thus everyone will have to pass your airplane on the way in. A large highly-visible "for sale" banner might be a wise investment.

Already have the orange ones with blue and red flags on 'em that sit on the prop. They've gotten people asking already... Sadly, none of those people have the kind of money for an airplane like that.
Already have the orange ones with blue and red flags on 'em that sit on the prop. They've gotten people asking already... Sadly, none of those people have the kind of money for an airplane like that.

I'd go way bigger, so folks see it from the bus as it rolls by.