Seeking Comments


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 15, 2007
Upstate New York
Display Name

Display name:
Geek on the Hill

I have a new site:

that's basically an anonymous, online soapbox. I need to initially populate the pages with comments (other than the Lipsum and such that I posted, and the stuff a few of my friends posted). So I'm asking that people click on one or a few pages and post comments in them.

The site is designed as an intentionally ephemeral forum: The posts disappear both from the site and from the database as soon they are replaced by new posts (thanks to Jesse and others for the technical help with that). The present number of posts that display on each page is five. I may or may not modify that in the future.

Any and all comments posted on the site will be appreciated.



EDIT: Yes, I know the left column and footer are empty. Ads will go there eventually. (Hey, you gotta make a living somehow.)
Ron Paul was one of your first posters?
The stuff I put up was signed either "Richard" or "Test Monkey," with the exception of the "Hallelujah!" from the Rev. Billy Sol Hargis. :P

The rest were posted by various friends (who tend to share both my political beliefs and odd sense of humor), only one of whom (John) used his real name.

I apologize for a coding oversight on my part that caused some visitors to have to stare at a stark white screen while the spam checker checked the posts for spamminess. That's been fixed now.
