seeking android developer


I hope you don't mind if I repost the description of the add here:

rachel96 said:
Seek developer for four page app - potential for additional work.

On Start - splash screen display logo from my website
p. 1 pull my blog from my website
p. 2 pull specific static page from my website
p. 3 pull specific static page from my website
p. 4 contact info - call email client - and call mapping function.

One thing I see is a tendency to write Apps that perform functions that would be much easier to implement and more broadly accessible as a "mobile friendly web page"

I suppose there's some benefit to an icon on the desktop vs a favorite in the browser but that gets lost in the clutter quickly enough.

I suppose there is a potential income stream but android users are almost as cheap as pilots.

Help me understand why you want an app to do this?

Not to hijack the thread, but one of the major disappointments for me at OSH this year was the lack of Droid apps for pilots.

The exhibit hangars had a fair number of cool apps for sale for the iPhone and iPad, but none (that I saw) for the Android-powered smart phones.

Opportunity is knocking, if any of y'all are listening... :thumbsup:

I hope you don't mind if I repost the description of the add here:

One thing I see is a tendency to write Apps that perform functions that would be much easier to implement and more broadly accessible as a "mobile friendly web page"

I suppose there's some benefit to an icon on the desktop vs a favorite in the browser but that gets lost in the clutter quickly enough.

I suppose there is a potential income stream but android users are almost as cheap as pilots.

Help me understand why you want an app to do this?


I also wonder about that, not with regard to this specific project, but in general. It seems to me that mobile Web-based apps only need to be written once to reach a much wider audience.

Thanks for taking a look and giving the situation thought.

I just want to be able to distribute apps to my clients just to make the marketing a bit more sticky. If someone is interested in the project I am happy to discuss it with you directly.

Please don't make this more complicated than it seems. Please accept that I have made the decision that the app described is exactly what I want. Please accept that I have done so intentionally after sufficient analysis.

It seems to me that developers want more complex, interesting and/or challenging projects, and so far everyone I talk with just wants me to make the thing more complicated than I want it to be.

To my mind this is a fairly simple app, but I have not done any serious programming since 1967 (Assembly language PDP-8 PDP-7) so I am not going to try to do it myself.
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Have you found anyone yet? If not - I could do it for you. I've got more experience right now in iPhone development versus Android but wouldn't be afraid of taking on a simple app like that. I could also kick out an iPhone version for you if you're interested.

Will PM you.
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