Seattle Avionics


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 19, 2024
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Seattle Avionics just announced that their “life time” subscription for FlyQ is essentially coming to an end in a year, the way I read it. Thoughts?
Well, you get bought out by a profit only sort of thinking company and there is no ethical or moral sense to making a fast buck . . . Honestly, once you have paid for the software, it's pennies to add your name to a list of updated owners and get the chart updates. I understand they are going to be giving them a legacy edition of the software, how ever that works.

Anyone who buys a "lifetime anything" in this world of corporate take overs and shutting down companies is a little bit daft. All it takes is mismanagement, a corporate raider or simply a death of the founder and that's all folks. . .
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Most ‘lifetime’ subcriptions & memberships come with a set of T&Cs that stipulate lifetime is defined, conditional, and revocable. One reason I’ve never gone for one.
  1. In 30 days, Lifetime customers who do not move to a new annual subscription can download a forthcoming new FlyQ EFB Legacy 6.9.1 and use it for a year, after which it will be sunset. As the version number implies, FlyQ EFB Legacy is the same as FlyQ EFB 6.9.1 released in May 2024 and does not include the features or fixes in FlyQ+ EFB 7.0.
I read this to mean you can use the legacy version for a year then no more chart or software updates. Some software with server validation you can’t even log in to use outdated software or data. I won’t be around to find out…