SE Pre-Christmas Burger Fly-in 2021 (12-11-21)


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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Come one, come all to the <somewhat annual…okay it hasn’t happened for a couple years actually> southeast pre-Christmas burger fly-in at the Runway Café @ GMU.

Thought I’d get this posted early so you hooligans can plan ahead for it! :D

Tentatively aiming for December 11th at 12pm. If the weather looks like crock, than we’ll try for the following Saturday as a reschedule. Hopefully we can actually make it happen this year! :)

Tagging the SE peeps:

@Dave Theisen
@Bill Watson
@Radar Contact
@Lance F
@Fearless Tower
@Matthew K
@Hang 4
@Doug Reid
Dang. I doubt I can make either. We have a dress rehearsal event at work that weekend starting early on the 11th. The next weekend there's a wedding for one of my wife's former co-workers; she retired at the end of August.
IN. Assuming my plane is back from annual.
Planes scheduled for both weekends. Warning, I've never been able to make any of these, so there's a 100% chance of either rain both weekends or the mechanic taking the plane down.
I’m in if anyone has an empty seat coming from Atlanta.
Ugh, work Christmas party is the 11th and EAA chapter Christmas party is the 18th.
Planes scheduled for both weekends. Warning, I've never been able to make any of these, so there's a 100% chance of either rain both weekends or the mechanic taking the plane down.

I knew something would guys are in luck. The 18th will be beautiful because I just got the email that they're closing the runways at TTA for restriping on that Friday and Saturday.
I knew something would guys are in luck. The 18th will be beautiful because I just got the email that they're closing the runways at TTA for restriping on that Friday and Saturday.
so you in or out?? lol
I predict rain on the 11th and beautiful weather on the 18th that I can't fly in. I'm still in if I'm wrong about the 11th.
Still in as well.

My lady friend is interested in joining. Will we have room for a third passenger? @Bill
Still no plane Ryan?
The Cherokee is available, but I believe I’ll be hitching a ride with Bill, that is of course dependent on whether or not he’s cool with that. :)
Ugh. Club plane in annual :-( Maybe next year.
Still in as well.

My lady friend is interested in joining. Will we have room for a third passenger? @Bill

Not enough information to determine, please provide pictures of lady friend :biggrin:

(Sure, no problem!)
Welp mama said if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything...

just sayin..
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Out for the 18th, home runways are scheduled to be closed. Still in for the 11th.
I'm the usual definite maybe.. Long way from FIN, but need to go for a long trip.
Still out. :(

The weekend of the 11th is way too busy for me.

Hopefully the long range forecast is wrong as it has rain. That far out it's just a guess.

Well as long as the rain is a steady light and freezing levels behave... I would still be in.. but wait to see the bail list first..
Aaaaaand, I'm out. Still ok for the 18th, though. :(
The forecast is looking ugly anyway for this Saturday, might be forced to exercise the rain date (18th).
Aaaaaand, I'm out. Still ok for the 18th, though. :(

Sorry, but the spousal unit didn't know I was flying and had scheduled me for another activity, one I can't beg out without, um, repercussions lol.
If it's a go for the 11th, we'll try. The 18th is pretty much shot because we have overlapping neighborhood Christmas parties.
it's still 122 hours away, let's see what happens between now and then