SE plane lands on NJ Turnpike 5 miles from Philly

The TV news I saw on this gets a slight thumbs up. After repeating many times that no one was hurt in concerned voices, one talking head asked "so, what do you think they will do now?" the other talking head responded " Pay the toll, the NJ toll authority doesn't care what kind of vehicle you are on the road with"
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"so, what do you think they will do now" the other talking head responded " Pay the toll, the NJ toll authority doesn't care what kind of vehicle you are on the road with"

:D:D That's pretty good! I'm sure the Turnpike Authority doesn't care what kind of vehicle!

This has been all over the radio news, the announcers handled it pretty well, stressing it was an emergency landing, no one hurt and the airplane undamaged.

:D:D That's pretty good! I'm sure the Turnpike Authority doesn't care what kind of vehicle!

This has been all over the radio news, the announcers handled it pretty well, stressing it was an emergency landing, no one hurt and the airplane undamaged.


Yeah, interesting how they "tone down the drama / rhetoric" when it involves their own. :rolleyes:
Reporting was very fair and non sensational. C150 doing traffic reports apparently experienced a big drop in oil pressure so acutally sounds like a precautionary landing. Good work all around.
Yeah, interesting how they "tone down the drama / rhetoric" when it involves their own. :rolleyes:
Remember when the news helos went down in AZ? The news people were all about not replying the video out of respect for the families. Had those choppers not been news ones do you think they would have been the same way?
