SE $100 Hamburger - Saturday, Jan 8th

Someone tag the pic with the POA user names L to R

I'll give it a shot:

L to R:
friend of Wayne
Michael Mahn
I 'think' Dwayne?
eman the hulk
@eman1200 From reading your posts over the years, you are one of the more "colorful" folks on PofA and I had hoped to meet you today. You indicated you were on call and might not be able to make it. When you arrived, someone mentioned, "Is that eman? I've heard his Mooney is a pretty ugly green!" Nope, I will not divulge who said that. Nevertheless, to my earlier point about the confusion of introducing ourselves with PofA names versus our real names, not until you posted the names of those in the picture did I realize you were actually there :)
@eman1200 When you arrived, someone mentioned, "Is that eman? I've heard his Mooney is a pretty ugly green!" Nope, I will not divulge who said that. Nevertheless, to my earlier point about the confusion of introducing ourselves with PofA names versus our real names, not until you posted the names of those in the picture did I realize you were actually there :)
Isn't a naked guy in a laundry basket pretty easy to spot?
@eman1200 From reading your posts over the years, you are one of the more "colorful" folks on PofA and I had hoped to meet you today. You indicated you were on call and might not be able to make it. When you arrived, someone mentioned, "Is that eman? I've heard his Mooney is a pretty ugly green!" Nope, I will not divulge who said that. Nevertheless, to my earlier point about the confusion of introducing ourselves with PofA names versus our real names, not until you posted the names of those in the picture did I realize you were actually there :)

was I actually there though?
A motley crew if I ever saw one.

can't wait to join you again,
Good turn out! Wish I could get out there today.:(
Then there was this guy


Yeah, it looked worse in person. Nasty!

Ive never seen so many GA planes lined up for departure, I’m sure that contoller was happy to see us gone!
...I've never seen so many GA planes lined up for departure, I’m sure that contoller was happy to see us gone!
It was nice meeting you Bill.

That was partly my fault. I freely admit, I fly from a podunk airport: N52 - JAARS-Towsend. GMU ground could not find the airport. They told me we cannot clear you to a fix. I explained, it's not a fix, N52 is an airport. I had to give him a nearby airport so he could enter us into the system. This took a while and gummed the system for those calling ground after us. Sorry about that. In the air, Greer Approach asked, are you going to N52, I replied yes and then all was right in the world.
Fess up….who was the Charlie buster? :)
Fess up….who was the Charlie buster? :)

Ha, I came close to doing that last time. I was climbing out and passing FastEddieB and saw him make a hard pitch down to level flight at about 4800'. I followed suit, thinking "maybe he knows something" I've missed...
Fess up….who was the Charlie buster? :)
I heard that communication. There was a contrite reply and I didn't recognize the voice so I assumed it wasn't one of us. But, we accounted for the like 8 departures around that time :)
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Fess up….who was the Charlie buster? :)

It was me. :(

Not used to flying VFR and screwed up. I set the altitude to my cruise altitude. *sigh* I was expecting to turn west sooner, but should have set it lower to start with. I saw a second before he said it, but too late. :(

It was me. :(

Not used to flying VFR and screwed up. I set the altitude to my cruise altitude. *sigh* I was expecting to turn west sooner, but should have set it lower to start with. I saw a second before he said it, but too late. :(


dang cirrus drivers!
Looks like a good time, fellas!
That looks and sounds like a lot of fun. Keep these posts going, would love to try and make one of these sometime.
And the food at the cafe was good. Great lunch stop!