Schellville 0Q3


Ejection Handle Pulled
Nov 25, 2008
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Found a little tail dragger heaven near Sonoma, CA yesterday. Had some time to wander around and met a few interesting people. Based there are Cubs, Stearmans, a Corsair (I hear) a non flying DC-3 and Beech something like a -12. Very cool little field.
Within walking distance is a restaurant, deli, big fruit stand, antique store and a couple tasting rooms.
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Found a little tail dragger heaven near Sonoma, CA yesterday. Had some time to wander around and met s few interesting people. Based there are Cubs, Stearmans, a Corsair (I hear) a non flying DC-3 and Beech something like a -12. Very cool little field.
Within walking distance is a restaurant, deli, big fruit stand, antique store and a couple tasting rooms.

This is right next to Sonoma Skypark 0Q9 - you should have been able to see the other runway on your traffic pattern. I'm going there soon for my first tail dragger lesson (Skypark, not Schellville). One day I'll have to check out Schellville in the 152 since it is super close to O69.

Walking the hangers at Schellville is a favorite past time. Lots of restorations there.
It's also a great place to fly in to on race weekends at Infineon, if you can get someone to pick you up on the way.
Could you say a bit more about the restaurant? I've walked across the busy two lane road to the produce stand a few times, but how far is it to the restaurant, which way and hows the food?


I Google mapped it and when you zoom in close the businesses show up. Restaurants were just north of the field. May be going back tomorrow and will check for ya.
The restaurant is a couple hundred yards north of the last hangars. You can save some walking on the road by staying on airport property until as far north as it goes then there is a road out through the fence. Then about 1/4 mile further up is a great deli.

Went over to visit a friend's project and he gave me a ride to Westach to get some new lights for my instruments. Boy, that guy sure figured it out a long time ago. His business is up on a hill overlooking the Sonoma Valley all the way to the Bay. And his 8' office window looks out across all of it. SWEET! :cheerswine: