Santa came a couple days early

So what I'm hearing is that in a few years, you'll have a Mooney, an RV-10 AND a Nanchang?

You're going to need a bigger hangar
So, it's been about a year so figured it was time for an update. We just wrapped up the empennage and have started on the wings. We're actually going faster than I expected so far. I had hoped to get the tail done in the first year, but didn't actually expect to.

2021-08-05 09.01.24.jpg 2021-10-16 15.57.55.jpg 2021-12-21 15.50.54.jpg
Noticing - another RC pilot who's graduated to bigger (and much more expensive) aircraft !
I fly an RV-9A that I didn't build.
I absolutely love that plane!
155kts at's been a great IFR XC machine.

I would love to build an RV-10 in retirement.
Post your progress here (or YouTube or somewhere)...I'd love to follow it!
Looks great @Salty
do all the primed parts (in this particular kit) come as such, or do you primer them yourself?
I’m doing all the priming myself.