Samsung Tab 4 & DUAL XGPS170 - Help


Cleared for Takeoff
Mar 8, 2005
Philadelphia Area
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Hi All and thanks in advance for the help.

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 and a DUAL XGPS170 which I would like to use on Monday and I can't get them to work together. Problem - neither of two available EFB apps can detect the GPS signal even though the tablet is receiving it.

I have tried using the iFLY GPS software and the Flight Pro. I prefer the iFLY If I can make this work.

I have read and followed the DUAL FAQ about downloading and installing a helper app and have done so using the Bluetooth GPS option.

I have paired the devices and the Bluetooth GPS helper app indicates it is receiving the GPS signal and accurately shows my position and absence of speed.

I also unlocked the developer settings and checked the "Allow mock locations" box.

I also restarted the Tablet after authorizing mock locations.

Finally I turned on and then off the internal GPS allowing it to gain a lock before I turned it off again (a suggestion I found on a tech forum) but as soon as I turn it off the Ifly indicates no GPS signal, even after exiting and restarting the Ifly including forcing a close through the task manager.

Note: I have tried the Dual XGPS 170 with my wife's apple tablet and it worked. And yes I properly set the Mode switch to "other" after I confirmed its operation with the Apple tab.

This little Samsung Tablet is the perfect size for the small panel on the aircraft I will be flying and I would prefer not to use the full size iPAD.

Again, any suggestions for making the DUAL XGPS 170 work with the tablet appreciated and thanks in advance.

yey, maybe i can help with something here.

I have a tabPro 8.4 with a dual xgps 170.

Things i've found:

The bluetooth GPS helper app only works for when the xgps170 has the switch in GPS (not ads-b). The helper app is only for non efb apps really to do GPS only.

if you want to use the 170 in ads-b mode, then you need to not use the bluetooth Gps helper app and use one of the android apps that natively integrates with the 170. (Avare, Fltplan Go, Naviator, ...)

edit: iFly should be the same. In iFly's settings somewhere you should be able to select the xgps170 and connect directly to it. (Not with the the helper app)
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Good that it worked out for you.

I use the DUAL XGPS170 with a Nexus 7, gen 2 and iFly:

- Set the XGPS170 to 'other devices', turn it on in ADS-B mode
- Activate Bluetooth on the tablet, search for devices
- Connect to the XGPS170
- Fire up iFly and go to Menu --> About --> Connnected Devices --> XGPS170

That's it.

You can also add a ADS-B status instrument and a traffic radar window to iFly. Just go to Menu --> Setup --> Instrument Layouts.

You might want to update the firmware in the XGPS170. My device was bought just this February and came with the firmware version 1.3.5 with which I experienced some ADS-B instability issues. The current verison is already 1.5.1.

Just be aware that currently the only two ways to update it are the XGPS170 iPad app (not even iPhone) or to send it in. It also seems to charge with all kinds of universal chargers, the charging LED will however only then eventually turn green when it is connected to an iPad charger or the cigarette lighter adapter that came with it. No big deal, but can be irritating.
Thank you that was undoubtedly going to be my next issue. I appreciate you anticipating it.

I use my old Galaxy Tablet with (free) Avare navigation app, using the internal GPS. Works great! All sectional, TACs, low enroutes, etc., can be downloaded free, as many as will fit in your memory.