Saint Louis to Oshkosh


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 13, 2012
Troy, MO
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Is anyone flying from the Saint Louis area to AirAdventure 2012 in Oshkosh and have an extra seat, I would love the opportunity to tag along. I have most recently completed some discovery flights, am excited to see AirVenture 2012 for the first time, and it would be even more amazing to arrive by plane! Let me know if anyone hears of something available, and I would greatly appreciate it. I am flexible with the dates.

Curious how others are planning their commutes in/out of Oshkosh. Hope everyone has an excellent time, see you around! If I have to I will simply drive up and enjoy the festivities. Take care all :)

Doesn't the EAA have a ride board? They used to, I even took a passenger from it.
If you don't get a ride (in a plane), it's worth the drive from St. Louis.

And welcome to POA!
Good luck on finding a ride. Keep in mind that rooms may be hard to come by, and if you are planning to camp, space may be limited if you are hitching a ride. If I were going, I think I would just plan to drive up.