RV8 Formation Group.


Oct 28, 2009
Fortworth TX
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Seth Jackson
Hi guys. I am needing your help.. We fly a RV8 and we are wanting to get a group together and fly to Oshkosh in a big group next year. If you are located in the Fortworth TX area, and you fly a RV please PM me.


Seth Jackson

im sure you're familiar with vansairforce.net? its a great forum for all things RV. We've got a few RV pilots here, but I bet you'd have a better response over there.
Yup I am. I know alot of other people on there. Oh and any other airplanes are glad to join!
Yup I am. I know alot of other people on there. Oh and any other airplanes are glad to join!

I suggest you contact one or more of the groups that have been making a mass arrival to OSH in past years such as:


The organizers of those groups should be able to help with procedures and contacts. Have you decided on a staging location? B2Osh uses Rockford IL (original site of the AirVenture fly-in), Mooneys use Madison WI and the Cessnas use Juneau WI.
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The nuts and bolts of those "mass arrivals" is that they shut down the airspace.. and all the planes in the group, who have all rallied, briefed and lined up at a nearby field (10-30 miles away) then do a closely spaced departure... and proceed at a specified altitude and airspeed.. so what looks like a "formation arrival" is pretty much a short hop with 30-60 second spacing between planes on a predetermined route.

in doing this special arrival, the arrival procedure that the NOTAM uses is shut down, and its much larger arrival capacity is suspended.

While it looks cool and sounds fun, Im gonna be "that guy" and say that the best, most efficient thing for the vast majority of everyone else is for EVERYONE not to not be a special case, fly the arrival as published and then all of you experimental RV types are gonna get all parked in Homebuilt camping together anyways..
The nuts and bolts of those "mass arrivals" is that they shut down the airspace.. and all the planes in the group, who have all rallied, briefed and lined up at a nearby field (10-30 miles away) then do a closely spaced departure... and proceed at a specified altitude and airspeed.. so what looks like a "formation arrival" is pretty much a short hop with 30-60 second spacing between planes on a predetermined route.

in doing this special arrival, the arrival procedure that the NOTAM uses is shut down, and its much larger arrival capacity is suspended.

While it looks cool and sounds fun, Im gonna be "that guy" and say that the best, most efficient thing for the vast majority of everyone else is for EVERYONE not to not be a special case, fly the arrival as published and then all of you experimental RV types are gonna get all parked in Homebuilt camping together anyways..

Dave, I've participated in a couple of those mass arrivals and I think you've got a few things wrong. First of all (at least with the Bonanza/Baron bunch) the planes are grouped in elements of 3 airplanes with 15 seconds between each element. IOW they are landing 12 airplanes per minute during the mass arrival which is a significantly greater rate than the Ripon arrival can provide. Second, the mass arrivals are usually made to runway 36 and AFaIK the Ripon arrival is still feeding the east/west runway at the same time (can't say that for certain since I wasn't able to notice if 9/27 was still landing traffic when I arrived and I was always near the tail end of the formation). And FWIW, the original incentive for the formation arrivals was to allow a group of friends to camp together and that's still one of the main attractions. EAA won't let groups reserve spaces in the aircraft camping areas so unless you arrive together you won't be camping in a group.
As another B2OSH'r, I echo Lance's comments. In 2007 we landed 109 aircraft in under 14 minutes. (12/minute theoretically but..) That included any go-arounds done as well. Keep in mind that at least with the Bonanza (and a few others) groups, we fly in on a Saturday before the show.

No one who has not participated in the mandatory training is allowed to fly in the formation and is in my opinion one of the safest arrivals into OSH.

If you'd like, I can help introduce you to a few of the organizers.

I haven't checked, but have you read the previous NOTAMs on small formation arrivals? ie. a flight of 4?
My bad.. the procedure I described was the one they used for the canard mass arrival a couple years back celebrating all things Rutan (something like the 30'th anniv of the Vari-eze or something or other).

Whats kinda funny is that you guys are saying EAA was encouraging the mass arrivals for the Bo's n such, when the attitude perceived by the organizers of the Canard mass arrival was less than inviting..

Musta been something about them plastic airplanes with the tail in the front ;)
The boy had it right for the generalities. You can't just decide to fly 50 airplanes to Oshkosh from Texas. I'll be flying in the first ever Cherokee mass formation. Can hardly wait.

I am one of the organizers of Cessnas 2 Oshkosh. I support Lance's statement in general. I suggest you pm me with your contact phone number and I will gladly share our experience organizing our arrival and answer any question you may have.

Be careful but go for it. It's a thrill!
New for 2010 is a mass DC3/C47 arrival on Monday, July 26th.


Maybe ya'll could work out a Big Friend/Little Friend group effort? :)

Seriously, they expect at least 25 and probably more Douglas aircraft arriving together. I've been invited to help coordinate their departure from Rock Falls, IL for the ~1 hr "formation" flight. Should be interesting parking that many fairly large planes in short order when they get to OSH.