Ok, as one the registered old farts of the group, I will try to answer questions about activities. Mainly working with this group, self included is kind of like herding cats or mercury depending on your age. While I have no idea what we will do I can elaborate on what happened last year when we were at KY Dam State Park. As always someone i'm sure to correct me but here goes.
Thursday Night
Some people showed up Thursday evening and IIRC we ate at the lodge, was this when Barney the Dinosaur showed up?
I had breakfast in my Motor home but I think some of the group had breakfast at the lodge as well as lunch. At some point in the afternoon a group took a Pontoon Boat out and tried their best to sink it, or was this Saturday, memory is fading as i didn't go. No names will be mentioned. There was also some fun flying that took place. We went to a Mexican Restaurant for dinner that evening and used that time to pick up vittles for Saturday night's entertainment. Also Friday night there was lots of singing first in a lodge room till asked to stop then in the main lodge it self into the wee hours of the morning.
I think Breakfast and Lunch at the lodge, followed by hanging out at the airport and maybe the infamous boat ride of death. For Saturday evening we had an illegal camp fire near one of the cottages using illegally transported firewood, not saying who brought that. We cooked burgers, and dogs and had a fantastic dinner around the camp fire. At some point lots of KY Bourbon started being passed around the camp fire. Andy played guitar and sang along with anyone that wanted to sing as well. All in all we all, (I think) had an absolute blast. Rumor has it there might be a second guitar and picker there as well. No, I haven't been taking lessons!!!!
I think some met for breakfast and then at the airport to send people off to head home.
For those that don't know, the reason we moved to Rough River was that the facilities at KY Dam State Park are really spread out while Rough River is more compact and accessible. Transportation can be an issue if we eat off site. I will be towing my CRV there but that only seats 5 people. Dustin had an Escolade there last year but he is getting married and doesn't want his wife to know how demented we are just yet. There may be a couple others driving but that remains to be sorted out.
If you want to do some activities on your own I think there is a lot to do at the park, you can check out their website.
Any other questions feel free to ask!!