
First I've ever heard of ROFLThing, but Jay - that's good stuff there, brother!!!:cheerswine:
ROFLThing was a lot of fun packed into an afternoon and evening. The ROFLCon it was an outgrowth of was, too. If they have more, I'll try to go.

I do wish someone would bury the term "cewebrity" so deep it'd never rise again, though...ugh.

I think of myself as a minor celebrity at best. There are lots and lots and lots of people out there who have never heard of the Tron Guy.
I think of myself as a minor celebrity at best. There are lots and lots and lots of people out there who have never heard of the Tron Guy.

Count me as one of those... at least until I met you on this forum. :)

Interestingly, a number of my friends my age have heard of the Tron Guy. When I tell them I'm friends with him and have flown in his plane they think it's cool.

What we really need is a Cheyenne or a King Air painted up like the Zodiac. ;)
Talk about six degrees....I just realized, through his post on the paint scheme thread that Tronguy is a pilot and a member here!

--Matt Rogers
Talk about six degrees....I just realized, through his post on the paint scheme thread that Tronguy is a pilot and a member here!

I decided, when it all happened, that I wasn't going to let it change who I am as a person. That means that I'm not going to retreat into a shell protected by publicists and the like. I was active on the Internet long before I became the Tron Guy, and see no reason that should change.
That's awesome!

I never knew anyone famous before, Jay!

--Matt Rogers