Robocalls getting out of hand.


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Are y'all experiencing a significant uptick in the number of robo calls you are getting?

It is 5-10 times a day. Its kind of rendering my phone useless because I have stopped answering it.
Wondering if maybe a law has changed or something because in the last couple months it increased by a huge margin.

Heather wants to consolidate my student loans. Greg wants to help me fight addiction, My car warranty is expiring soon, ADT wants to hook me up w/ a free security system, I'm getting a free vacation to Orlando, a Cruise to the Bahamas, and super affordable dental insurance.

Every. Single. Day.

Same here.

Funny thing is when my phone rings telling me I've won a cruise, then my office-mate's phone rings about the same time telling HIM he's won a cruise.
The activity level for me comes and goes. I just ignore any number I don't know and then delete the VM if I get one. That tends to then make them go away for a while. It also helps that my phone is from an old area code. I definitely don't need to answer any calls from my old area code so those are all spam. I used to block the numbers on the phone because sometimes they reuse the number the next few calls. I had so many numbers blocked that I maxed out the list on my phone. :rolleyes:
I just got one where they tried to mimic a local number but failed miserably and my phone thought it was from Egypt! xx xx xxx xxx vs xxx xxx xxxx, the number isn't active and doesn't result in anything when I try to call it.
I've had a significant increase over the past month or so, all of them from spoof local numbers. I don't think the rules have changed, but I'm wondering if someone is betting on a reduced enforcement of the Do No Call list?
Wait until you turn 64 and 1/2 - then the medicare supplemental scammers have a field day.
If it's from out of my area code and I don't recognize the number, I don't answer and let it roll to voicemail. If they don't leave a voicemail, I block the number.
I've had a significant increase over the past month or so, all of them from spoof local numbers. I don't think the rules have changed, but I'm wondering if someone is betting on a reduced enforcement of the Do No Call list?
There is no enforcement of the do not call list. And spammers / scammers wouldn't care anyhow.
Use nomorobo and truecaller. mine go straight to voicemail. i clean up the box about once a week or so
I've been getting a bunch od calls also. The punks are getting pretty sneaky too.

Today I got one of those free vacation calls that showed up as a local number. While not odd in a city, I live in a small rural town of less than 3000 folks. Now I'll have to quit answering local calls.
I get multiple robocalls a day and the amount seems to be increasing from what it was a year or so ago. I never remember getting as many as I do now.
If you think it is a spam call, just pick up the phone and say, "Thank you for calling Heavens Ministries prayer line, how can we pray for you today?..."
Are y'all experiencing a significant uptick in the number of robo calls you are getting?

It is 5-10 times a day. Its kind of rendering my phone useless because I have stopped answering it.
Wondering if maybe a law has changed or something because in the last couple months it increased by a huge margin.

Heather wants to consolidate my student loans. Greg wants to help me fight addiction, My car warranty is expiring soon, ADT wants to hook me up w/ a free security system, I'm getting a free vacation to Orlando, a Cruise to the Bahamas, and super affordable dental insurance.

Every. Single. Day.

I assume you are talking about a mobile phone, because in the past few months I have been getting a bunch of these on my cell.

I noticed this on my land line about two years ago. If I hadn't paid a ridiculously small amount for a magic jack, I would just get rid of the land line. Now, I use the land line number for all those web sites that require a phone number to complete your registration. (Why I have to "register" for everything is another *****).

Now what happens is I get a call on my land-line. I don't answer it and a few minutes later I get the same call on my cell. "Emily" just doesn't take a hint.
I assume you are talking about a mobile phone, because in the past few months I have been getting a bunch of these on my cell.

I noticed this on my land line about two years ago. If I hadn't paid a ridiculously small amount for a magic jack, I would just get rid of the land line. Now, I use the land line number for all those web sites that require a phone number to complete your registration. (Why I have to "register" for everything is another *****).

Now what happens is I get a call on my land-line. I don't answer it and a few minutes later I get the same call on my cell. "Emily" just doesn't take a hint.

I love magic jack. I think I just paid a hundred bucks for a 5 yr subscription.
I don't answer my phone if I don't recognize the number and I'm not expecting a call. I put the number into google afterwards to see if was someone who might have a legitimate reason to contact me, almost never is.

I keep thinking about answering the phone and either messing with them or reading them the riot act but it always catches me off guard and it's probably pointless anyway.
I keep getting that dippy woman who drops her headset.... For the land line, if you have VOIP then Nomorobo works great, although you do get one ring. This is the phone companies fault, it's pretty much the only way they make money on landlines.
If you think it is a spam call, just pick up the phone and say, "Thank you for calling Heavens Ministries prayer line, how can we pray for you today?..."
"FBI, New York Field Office, Special Agent Smith speaking."
Are y'all experiencing a significant uptick in the number of robo calls you are getting?


Remember what you wrote about guests communicating with the living Bryan? Sometimes they call you just to catch up ya know.
Its kind of rendering my phone useless because I have stopped answering it.
My house phone is just about useless for this same reason. My number must also have been someone else's previously because we get collection calls for people I've never heard of
I don't answer my phone if I don't recognize the number and I'm not expecting a call. I put the number into google afterwards to see if was someone who might have a legitimate reason to contact me, almost never is.

I keep thinking about answering the phone and either messing with them or reading them the riot act but it always catches me off guard and it's probably pointless anyway.

Been there, done that, and got tired of looking them up. I may have lost a few million form the Nigerian prince, but can live without his money fake as the call may be. Like others, I simply don't answer unknown numbers. If I am expecting a call from a friend who's number I don't recognize they are advised in advance to leave a message.

I did lash out at one though. After three calls form the same number one day I answered and told him to GTF off my phone, then promptly hung up.
If I answer, I try to sell the telemarketer a time share. For some reason their telemarketing script doesn't cover when the person tries to sell them something and they don't know how to respond.
Don't know where they get that data from, but the spammers can now spoof numbers of area codes that you have been making calls to and from.

Unless the number is known in my contacts or I am expecting a call from a specific area, they get bumped to voicemail.
... and the number of spam TXT messages is on the uptick.... 'drives me nuts.
Answer them. Wait to get through to a human. Buy whatever they are selling. Then exercise the 3 day right to recension. Eventually you'll get off the lists
[QUOTE="Norman, post: 2275763,

I did lash out at one though. After three calls form the same number one day I answered and told him to GTF off my phone, then promptly hung up.[/QUOTE].

New version of yelling at neighborhood kids to get off your lawn Norm? ;) :D
I ignore it if I don't recognize the number. I used to answer and not say anything, just lay the phone down and go on with what I was doing. Pick it up later and cradle it.
A very large increase in calls, and a very large increase in spoofed phone numbers.
I'm giving serious thought to writing a "hunter\killer" 'bot in retaliation.
I need to understand the legal ramifications of unleashing it in order to decide how much effort will be required to fix the blame on some other entity that also needs to be punished.
Just another science guy day.
[QUOTE="Norman, post: 2275763,

I did lash out at one though. After three calls form the same number one day I answered and told him to GTF off my phone, then promptly hung up.

New version of yelling at neighborhood kids to get off your lawn Norm? ;) :D[/QUOTE]

It worked in that instance.
A very large increase in calls, and a very large increase in spoofed phone numbers.
I'm giving serious thought to writing a "hunter\killer" 'bot in retaliation.
I need to understand the legal ramifications of unleashing it in order to decide how much effort will be required to fix the blame on some other entity that also needs to be punished.
Just another science guy day.


The world would beat a path to your door if you found a solution to that problem. Patent it before someone steals your idea.

The world would beat a path to your door if you found a solution to that problem. Patent it before someone steals your idea.

It's a relatively easy solution. Unfortunately, it's construed at best as "denial of service" and at worst, domestic terrorism.
Hence the need to make sure the swat team goes somewhere else.
It's a relatively easy solution. Unfortunately, it's construed at best as "denial of service" and at worst, domestic terrorism.
Hence the need to make sure the swat team goes somewhere else.

No jury would convict you.

I always press 1 to be transferred to an operator, then I just still there breathing heavily in silence with a cough every now and then. Just to waste their time.
Don't know where they get that data from, but the spammers can now spoof numbers of area codes that you have been making calls to and from.

On mobile phones, I suspect that a lot of "free" app developers are harvesting the data. Check the permissions requested by the apps. Many require the "phone," "contacts," "SMS," and "device identification" permissions, despite having no legitimate reasons why they should need them.

It's a relatively easy solution. Unfortunately, it's construed at best as "denial of service" and at worst, domestic terrorism.
Hence the need to make sure the swat team goes somewhere else.

It there had been SWAT teams in the sixties my first wife would have been one of their quests. Nuff said.
I simply don't answer the phone. Most everyone I know texts instead of calls. Those that do feel compelled to use their voice usually do so over FaceTime Audio or Google Duo Audio or Google Hangouts. If I get a call and that number isn't already in my contacts list then there's no way it can't wait until I get to voicemail. Most spammers won't leave voicemail but for those that do, Visual Voicemail makes checking and deleting quick and painless.
Heather wants to consolidate my student loans. Greg wants to help me fight addiction, My car warranty is expiring soon, ADT wants to hook me up w/ a free security system, I'm getting a free vacation to Orlando, a Cruise to the Bahamas, and super affordable dental insurance.

The more you answer, the more they call.