Robin Olds, Fighter Pilot. You only think you're a pilot.


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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I've been enjoying Robin Olds autobiography as an audiobook. I just finished it on the ride to and from Gastons. (The unabridged audio book is over 17 hours!)

Like she says, a great Father's Day gift idea (although this interviewer is lame):

He goes to West Point, flies the P-38 and then the P-51 in WW II and becomes a double ace.

Watch and listen to General Olds talk about the beauty of flying:

He gets assigned to California, meets this beautiful movie actress named Ella Raines and marries her.

He horns in to flying the first US jet, the P-80 and flies air shows with an incredibly talented pilot buddy.

He learns he's on the list to be promoted to General and comes up with precise way to get in dutch to have the promotion torn up so he can keep flying.

He becomes the Wing Commander of the AFB in Thailand and dreams up Operation Bolo to lure the North Vietnamese Mig-21s to come to be destroyed - by making his F-4 flight look like an F-104 bomber flight. They kill 7 MiGs.

He gets into the strange positon of having to avoid getting credited with his 5th Mig kill over 'Nam so he can NOT be heralded as the first Ace and keep flying surreptitiously.

The Air Force needed a shot in the arm to improve morale at the Air Force Academy so they got a legendary Fighter Ace named Robin Olds to be Commandant.

He makes general and becomes an ops inspector who is appalled by the deceit and unreadiness of SAC.



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I read it last vacation - very good book!

This vacation I switched it up and read "Monuments Men" by Robert Edsel, and "War" by Sebastian Junger.
Truly a great American hero and tremendous pilot who flew combat in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Unreal.
I read that book during spring break. A great read. And a hell of a leader.
On my "to read" list!

But: the "Unreadiness of SAC?"

What? It was gonna take 12 minutes instead of 8 to annihilate the USSR?


How about more than half of their jet engines were inoperable, while they were penciling in 9n% readiness. They lost a handful of B-52s every year needlessly.
How about more than half of their jet engines were inoperable, while they were penciling in 9n% readiness. They lost a handful of B-52s every year needlessly.

I was in SAC 80-84 -- we had 4, then 5 Buffs on alert 24/7. Those could fly, and that's all that mattered.

(Like we were gonna have time to load and then launch all the rest -- riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....)

Of course SAC had been infused with operational funds by Reagan...
I was in SAC, '85 until the end. Buffs on alert 9, '85-'88, the christmas tree was full and we were loaded for bear. The tanker support had to park outside the tree.

Bones on alert from 88-91, again, loaded and ready to go.
Retired 2003.