RIP, John


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 25, 2005
Olympia, Washington
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Ghery Pettit
"Howard and Heveran lived together but were not married,"

I wonder why this is relevant?

Back to the accident - flight W-E over Rollins/Corona Pass. Anyone know what the winds were like at the time? As a rule, winds are E-W and can be wicked.
Sad... RIP.

Sorry for your loss, Ghery.
I think the reporter was just establishing their relationship.

That seems to be irrelevant information for the article, especially given that Jack Roush's "friend" was only listed as that in his recent unfortunate event.
When was it overhauled? A very high percentage of props on part 91 airplanes are well past mfr's recommended TBO. Sometimes by hours in service, sometimes by years SMOH, in many cases by both.

Preliminary report from the NTSB is here -

If I read this correctly, there's prop shop and a prop log that should be in the crosshairs...
When was it overhauled? A very high percentage of props on part 91 airplanes are well past mfr's recommended TBO. Sometimes by hours in service, sometimes by years SMOH, in many cases by both.

Hence the comment about the prop log. I'm sure the NTSB will be curious about that point, as well.