Wow! Not checking NOTAMs was the trigger and recent lack of current medical discovered during the investigation into the deviation? That sounds like very little to trigger a revocation rather than a short suspension. Especially if it happened since 2015 when the Compliance Program was born.This was interesting. Helpful and intuitive posts.
"Clip4" was the closest and we might have met recently.
Actually, the season for the revocation was flying between medical issuance.
I had re-applied for my 3rd class (SI) medical. I had an appointment so I had to fly to it.
Using a current sectional I proceeded to fly to the non-towered airport. When I got there
it was now a class D airport. (not shown on map as such)
Result, pilot licensed revoked for a year, then received the 3rd class medical from the FAA.
I was forthcoming to all of the instructors that I had encountered.
Even more to the point, neither sounds like the kind of thing that would concern me as a CFI. if you were forthcoming from the beginning, training you and taking your money with a refusal to sign you off at the end sounds pretty bad.
Then again, we are only hearing part of the story (and no, that's not a request for more).