Net worth is IRA's and 401K plus house. House is valued at about $250K.
Compelling reason to stay is saving for retirement and medical insurance.
Bill, I can't tell you what to do, I can only tell you how I would approach it myself.
You need to figure income and expenses, and eliminate as much unknown as you can within both.
Pension: : unknow, but I think they are legally required to tell you what it would be.
Investment income: Take the amount that you have in savings/IRAs/etc and figure you can use about 4% of that every year. so i fyou have 1.2M (not counting house) then that would be 48K/year
SS: You know what this would look like now s 2 years. It probably doesn't change the "should I retire now or in 2 years?" but is worth figuring if you should take SS now, at 65 or at 66. Once you figure out if you're retiring, you can play the strategies out to see which strategy is best on that.
AK Permanent fund payments: call it $1,000/year
Spousal SS: $$
Spousal permanent fund: 1,000
conservatively, you're probably looking at
Your SS: 2,500/mo
Permanent fund $100
Pension: $500??
Spousal SS: 1,000
Spousal permanent fund: $100
Investment takeout $4,000
so SWAG would be $8,200/month income, but I'm totally taking a wild swing at a bunch of your numbers. My guess would be you're living on a lot less than that now.
Can you figure out what you guys actually spend in a year now
Then add some extra for medical between now and 65
then add a little extra for any medical costs from 65 onward where medicare and medicare supplemental insurance might not be quite as good as your current company medical