Tom, I really appreciate saving old planes like the T craft BC series, but it's gotta be a labor of love. The very top of the market is prolly about $25k, maybe a bit more, and when you figure in the new struts needed, and all the materials for fabric, it's prolly gonna be a losing proposition from a financial perspective. There's been one for sale E of DFW for a few years in good shape asking $24k, then down to $21, then $18k and I think it finally sold for under that. It had fabric repl in 2009, 156 hours on the engine, metal prop, looked good but needed the struts repl. I was pretty interested in it for a while, but my plan to put a turbocharger on it didn't pan out so I gave up.
LSA market is something to consider, but I would say a lot of folks just don't fit in a BC-12 these days. Getting in and out at my age is a lotta work, and not much fun compared to something newer in LSA, but at higher cost.