Red River (of the North) Flooding pics


Line Up and Wait
Apr 9, 2005
Tualatin OR
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I was at the Young Eagle rally in Crookston, MN today, and so flew in from Grafton (had to go there to pick up an airplane with my friend Scott, who is actually the certified pilot in this saga, as I am still a student. But I flew all the way from GAF to CKN from the right seat, anyway. So what I can't log it? It was still fun!)

I didn't get to take too many pics of the YE event since I was stuck on the sign-up table (while my flying buddy was flying kids and having all the fun, grr!), but I took pics during the flight. Here are a few. When we drive back from Grafton ON 1-29, which is in a few of these photos, it was just freaky. The water was barely an inch below the road surface in some places. (We drove TO Grafton on 81 and didn't see too much water that route, but knew it was all around anyway.)

Yikes. I hope you also packed a life raft for that over water flight!!

Glad to not see too much housing damage or is that elsewhere? :(
HPNFlyGirl said:
Sounds like a fun day at YE Terry. Thanks for posting the pictures.

It was a fun day at the Young Eagles Rally--I just wish I had pics of the kids and not so much of flooding.

Ah well--our Grafton event is fast approaching, and we'll have kids galore, and a newscrew, and T-28 (drool...) and the Great Lakes (drool more), and at least 5 Citabrias, 2 Cubs, a Pitts, three Champs, v-tail Bonanzas, an RV-6 (drool) and Mooney Mites to play with, along with the usual 'Hawks, Warriors, Cadets, and ultralights. So I can't complain. And I will have at LEAST 150 pics like I did last year, so many good ones I didn't know where to start! I need a digital camcorder! Anyone want to email me one just for the 30th? I have the little DV tapes, I just need the camera.

What strikes me as rather odd regarding the spring breakup and annual flooding of the Red River is that, well... it's annual! I remember my granddad telling me about the floods they had every spring in ND when they spent a few years there in the mid-50's. I'm not trying to trivialize the destruction and personal loss that the floods cause, but they happen nearly every year! Folks that build in that flood plain have a shorter memory than folks that build in slide zones or flood plains in CA - at least that has about a 7 or 8 year cycle.