Recommended Syllabus?


Filing Flight Plan
May 27, 2016
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I'm a new member to this forum, this is my first post. I'm an experienced student pilot, mostly trained in the Army. I am an ATP, CFI, but not in single-engine airplanes, just helicopters, multi-engine airplanes, and CFII. I also have private privileges in single-engine and own a PA28-235.

My 16 year old son is going to start learning to fly. His CFI is going to be a fellow Army aviator who also has his single-engine CFI and has that experience. Of course my son will be flying and learning with me as well. My experience as an instructor has been only in the military and NOT with primary students. I've mostly taught new aircraft qualifications and given annual evaluations. His CFI isn't married to a syllabus and asked me to choose one. Since I will be "teaching" him also when I fly with him I've been looking for a good syllabus and a good teaching method.

For the ground school, I am not opposed to watching videos with him, answering his questions, and researching more in depth as needed. I've looked at materials from Jepp, Sporty's, King, and Rod Machado. So far, I think I like Machado's materials the best, including his Syllabi, both flight training and ground school. Of course, that is more work for me to create and teach the ground school using Machado's material since it isn't video based for the ground school.

I would love some advice from CFIs. Also, if anyone is using Rod Machado's material for their ground and flight training I am really interested in hearing about your experience.

Thanks in advance!
Since you're a CFI, take a look at Gold Seal. As a CFI, you can join for free and FULLY evaluate every square inch of the course. If you like it and your son signs up, he'll appear on your "My Students" page and you can follow his progress - see which lessons he's completed, see all his quiz scores, even see the questions he missed. Give it a look at

When your son completes the course, it will automatically generate an Endorsement for him to take the written test.

Gold Seal will shift over to the ACS on June 6 so he'll be studying the most current material.
Not a CFI but I paid for a $99 self study ground school course from
That was all I needed. Towards the end, I paid another $9 for the sporty's study buddy app on my phone to gear up for the written.
I am not book smart or good at taking tests and I got a 93 on the test.
Gleim and Study Buddy are just for written test prep. No coverage at all of the flight portion of training.
I used Jepp for instrument training, and found it pretty good. I've no idea if their private pilot syllabus is comparable, but I'd expect so.
ASA sells The Complete Private Pilot Syllabus for $12.95. or 1-800-ASA-2-FLY.

Bob Gardner
Kind of off topic but I would be curious to know if anyone here has ever used MzeroA ground school? It seems awesome, but quite expensive. I used King Schools and thought it worked very well
Kind of off topic but I would be curious to know if anyone here has ever used MzeroA ground school? It seems awesome, but quite expensive. I used King Schools and thought it worked very well


I agree. Seems good but pricey. I believe they charge monthly... I'm not crazy about recurring payments.

I did review and sign up for Gold Seal as a CFI. So far I really like what I see. Thanks for the recommendation!
Yea I watch his videos all the time...but $97 a month (thats the cheapest subscription) is quite pricey! If you did your PPL or Instrument Ground School in 2-3 months then I guess it is about the same as most other courses, but it sucks that you couldn't go back to watch videos unless you kept that subscription....
King has a free private pilot syllabus published somewhere on their website. It's as good as any other.

Rod Machado's stuff is thorough, although his use of humor in his books can be annoying to some people.

Gleim and Study Buddy are just for written test prep. No coverage at all of the flight portion of training.

Gleim does have products that are geared toward flight training. However, I am rather unimpressed with them. They seem kind of shallow.
King school, get him the videos.

As for sylibus, man, I'd probably just completely kick him over to a CFI with a good track record, I've heard some folks have had a rocky time teaching their kids to fly.
Well that was strange. Always thought he was kind of a douche but apparently he suffers from delusions of grandeur.
And apparently he thinks he has logged 9000 hours of dual in the last eight years...
King school, get him the videos.

As for sylibus, man, I'd probably just completely kick him over to a CFI with a good track record, I've heard some folks have had a rocky time teaching their kids to fly.

Probably good advice as far as completely giving him to a CFI. He's certain dad doesn't no anything! :-/
Taught my son and it was fun, no problems. Enjoyable experience to fly with a family member.