Realtime Tracking. Spot Gen 3 Review.


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Frustrated with intermittent hits on flightaware, I posted on here looking for a solution. I was given several recommendations and opted for Spot Gen 3. I got it for my dad on Father's day and have been using it since.

I am quite pleased with it as a tracking tool.
Mom and Dad are flying today and it was nice to be able to check on them and see they landed safely a few minutes ago.

Click a button on take off and it sends text message and email to a handful of family members with a tracking link and predefined message.

At any point in the flight, click another button to just send out an "I'm ok" status message to the same folks.

It has the buttons for "I need assistance" and another for "I'm totally f#%ked" <-- that 2nd button notifies national search and rescue. I am not sure if my wing falls off if I am going to remember to click that button and I am on FF most flights anyway but the text messages and tracking are worth it.

I am bad about keeping my cell charged so it is good to land and just click a button then I can worry about calling my family at my leisure.


Above image is the track. I knew my folks would be flying today but wasn't certain when. So I pulled up the page and could track them live and that is cool.

Then they land and Dad clicks the 2nd status button and I get the message below.


I do wish the tracking was more real-time versus 5 minutes. You can pay a bit more and get tracked in 2 minute intervals but given that it is planes flying a generally straight line, 5 min is fine but it would just be a cool "nice to have" type thing if you could watch the flight like a moving map.

The more I fly with it, the more I like it. I wish it did speed and alt like flight aware but again those are bells and whistles.

There is no real NEED for the tracker but if you have family that fly or wants a little piece of mind when you are flying it is worth it. it is nice to just check up and not panic if x amount of time has passed and you haven't gotten the "Landed" text message / phone call.

If anyone had been wondering about these things, I like it and I think it is worth the cost to have one of these when flying or maybe boating, hiking, etc.

I am very pleased with it.
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Nice review. I've had mine since they came out several years ago and love it. Upgraded to Gen2 and may upgrade to Gen3 soon. I've used it throughout the West, from Seattle to down the Baja. Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada and all over the Southwest. It's always worked perfectly. Over the last 10 days, I've been following a couple of CTs who've flown from Tucson all the way to Point Barrow in Alaska. Except for some significant delay WAY up North, the SPOTs have work very well.
Looks like a nice feature.
I do wish the tracking was more real-time versus 5 minutes. You can pay a bit more and get tracked in 2 minute intervals but given that it is planes flying a generally straight line, 5 min is fine but it would just be a cool "nice to have" type thing if you could watch the flight like a moving map.

The default tracking is 10 minutes and I find that good. Contemplating an upgrade to a G3 unit, I've decided paying for shorter tracking time really won't change things. From a safety standpoint, you have to remember that the unit won't stop transmitting just because you've gone down. Unless it's one of those smoking 5-foot holes. Then, who cares? I figure the track will just show several messages in one place and everyone will know you are not moving any more.

The important thing is knowing where you are approximately, and if you've taken off or landed. I wish it had altitude and speed. Remember, G3 firmware can be upgraded by USB so, who knows, maybe they'll add some features...
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And if you have one of these gadgets, make sure anyone using the plane knows when it is on/off.

I forgot to turn it off so it has been running for a few days.
My dad took off an hour ago and halfway through his flight, he realized he forgot to turn it on.
So he hit the button and turned it off thinking he was turning it on.

What a horrible feeling. I had his track on one of my extra monitors and it just stopped in the middle of Dallas.

And if you have one of these gadgets, make sure anyone using the plane knows when it is on/off.

I forgot to turn it off so it has been running for a few days.
My dad took off an hour ago and halfway through his flight, he realized he forgot to turn it on.
So he hit the button and turned it off thinking he was turning it on.

What a horrible feeling. I had his track on one of my extra monitors and it just stopped in the middle of Dallas.


Would be nice if when the user hits power down while the device is in motion it would send one last track with a "User has turned off the device" message first.
$50 mail in rebate for Gen3 units going on now for units purchased between 5/22/14 and 9/02/14 and then activated between 5/22/14 and 10/06/14.
My Gen 2 Spot stays strapped to my parachute in a SMAK bag while flying gliders. I've used it on long cross country flights, LAS to Maine and back and LAS to Alaska and back (in powered airplane).

It allows my family to track how I'm doing when Flight Aware drops the track. They can also figure my ETA knowing my destination. I have the check in button programmed to send an "I've landed" message. I hit that on shut down and they know it will be awhile for me to bed down the aircraft and get to a hotel before I call to check in.

The emergency button need not be used if you cannot get to it. People know you are flying, you're late, the last numerous position reports in the same location will tell them where you are. Some pilots include the Spot web link in their pilot profile with DUATS.
And if you have one of these gadgets, make sure anyone using the plane knows when it is on/off.

I forgot to turn it off so it has been running for a few days.
My dad took off an hour ago and halfway through his flight, he realized he forgot to turn it on.
So he hit the button and turned it off thinking he was turning it on.

What a horrible feeling. I had his track on one of my extra monitors and it just stopped in the middle of Dallas.


I always check the blinking lights when I hit the buttons, yes it is on, yes it is in tracking mode.
There is apparently very much more to know about the on-going costs for usage of these animals. Would some of the current users care to share their knowledge about this?
I wish it had altitude and speed. ...

I believe the $$ Delorme $$ brand has that feature. It also has a bluetooth option to send/recieve text messages from your phone through the satellite link.
There is apparently very much more to know about the on-going costs for usage of these animals. Would some of the current users care to share their knowledge about this?

I pay $21/ month for the service.
I think I paid ~150 for the device itself.
I bought a Gen 2 to let my wife keep an eye on me during a multi-day trail race. I turned it on each morning and then off each evening. Made sure it had a clear view of the sky (except for tree cover, which I couldn't control). Replaced the batteries on day 2 of 4, just to be safe.

When I got home, I found out that not a SINGLE ping had been uploaded. Frustrated, I returned the damn thing.
There is apparently very much more to know about the on-going costs for usage of these animals. Would some of the current users care to share their knowledge about this?

I've had one since 2007. No Magic, nothing hidden. Billing history shows it started at about $160 year with all the bells and whistles (service, tracking, & rescue insurance) and fees and taxes. My last bill was about $180 (service, tracking, & rescue).
The newest unit has some extra features you can add, most notably tracking down to the 2 minute level.
I bought a Gen 2 to let my wife keep an eye on me during a multi-day trail race. I turned it on each morning and then off each evening. Made sure it had a clear view of the sky (except for tree cover, which I couldn't control). Replaced the batteries on day 2 of 4, just to be safe.

When I got home, I found out that not a SINGLE ping had been uploaded. Frustrated, I returned the damn thing.

Well that was sure a test. How about opening it up (AT HOME) before you went on your trip, and learn about it and test it in the front yard? Who would buy a device like this, which can be tested endlessly for free, and wait until you leave on a trip to test it? Sorry, low cred.
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I pay $21/ month for the service.
I think I paid ~150 for the device itself.

And if you have one of these gadgets, make sure anyone using the plane knows when it is on/off.

I forgot to turn it off so it has been running for a few days.
My dad took off an hour ago and halfway through his flight, he realized he forgot to turn it on.
So he hit the button and turned it off thinking he was turning it on.

What a horrible feeling. I had his track on one of my extra monitors and it just stopped in the middle of Dallas.


At a cost of $250 a year, considering its capabilities, is it that much more valuable than free flightaware, and a SMS/Text message from you to your loved ones on departure "airborne in 10 minutes, will be landed in one hour", worth it ?

Flightaware comibined with a departure text and arrival text are pretty much bulletproof solutions
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At a cost of $250 a year, considering its capabilities, is it that much more valuable than free flightaware, and a SMS/Text message from you to your loved ones on departure "airborne in 10 minutes, will be landed in one hour", worth it ?

Flightaware comibined with a departure text and arrival text are pretty much bulletproof solutions

I am not IFR so if I show up on flight aware it is a fluke.
It's not necessary at all, just kind of fun.
But look how many discussions there are about how to get onto flight aware. People like seeing that stuff. This does that.

Yesterday I saw may dad flying on the map and my kids enjoyed running out side and watching him fly over.

We are big time gadget nerds. Just plays into that for me and dad. Mom gets some peace of mind from it.
I carry one when I fly my paraglider. Don't have all those fancy electronics little GA planes have to track. Last time I reupped it was $150 a year, about what I save by not being a member of AOPA and EAA.:lol:
At a cost of $250 a year, considering its capabilities, is it that much more valuable than free flightaware, and a SMS/Text message from you to your loved ones on departure "airborne in 10 minutes, will be landed in one hour", worth it ?

Flightaware comibined with a departure text and arrival text are pretty much bulletproof solutions
Well that was sure a test. How about opening it up (AT HOME) before you went on your trip, and learn about it and test it in the front yard? Who would buy a device like this, which can be tested endlessly for free, and wait until you leave on a trip to test it? Sorry, low cred.

Sorry, I guess I left that part out. I obviously tested it the day I brought it home. Seemed to work fine, but didn't do much beyond turn it on, start tracking, verify the pings showed up online.

I'm not saying they won't work for others. Just that, for my intended use (keeping my wife updated on my well-being while outside of cell range), it was a complete failure. Left a bad taste in my mouth so that now I'll consider other options (as well as limitations) before I buy something like this again.
OK, that makes more sense. All I can say is I've had two different units for 7 years, use one for almost every flight, and it has work nearly flawlessly for that whole time. Other flying buddies use them, too, with good reports. We post tracking links and follow each others flying adventures all the time. 'Spent the last few weeks following two CT Fliers who went from Tucson to Point Barrow in AK. Except WAY North, they have worked well. Above the Arctic Circle, there seemed to be some delay.

They work well enough the the FAA uses them as part of their Flight Planning and following in AK. You file a flight plan and give them you SPOT info and they track you.
Cool cool I understand the gadget stuff. Heck if it makes you happy then buy it.

With that said, in almost all cases, departing IFR then converting to VFR Flight Following all the way to destination will allow for a good flightaware track.
And if you have one of these gadgets, make sure anyone using the plane knows when it is on/off.

I forgot to turn it off so it has been running for a few days.
My dad took off an hour ago and halfway through his flight, he realized he forgot to turn it on.
So he hit the button and turned it off thinking he was turning it on.

What a horrible feeling. I had his track on one of my extra monitors and it just stopped in the middle of Dallas.


You have hit on the key problem with these units and Flight Aware on FF lol, when they drop out, people freak out.
I've learned to keep mine on for a good 15 minutes after landing... time needed to get the last couple of tracking messages out for sure. Otherwise, I get calls wondering if I went down 8 minutes short of the airport.
I fly with my wife and kids 95% of the time and they are the only ones that need to know where I amother than ATC. Same reason I am not on FB anymore. We carry an emergency pack and an 406 ELT.

Thanks for the report and enjoy your new gadget.