Really cool landing

That is really cool. I love winter flying. Thick air, cold temps, lots of 02.

How is the braking after touch down? Taxi?

Don't touch the top of those pedals.

[Edit. I was mistaken about which year this was. This was the earlier landing.]

There were 4 foot snowbanks on both sides. The temperature was above freezing, and the ice surface was melting under the tires. The wind did push us to the left and Hubby countered with rudder. We didn't come to a stop until the very end of the runway. The airplane following us in got turned to the left and went into the snowbank, ruining a prop.

It isn't always easy to land there.
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Very cool! Was I noticing the plane skid on the ground or was that a camera position/angle thing?

I have always been terrified about landing on ice due to my fear of not being able to control the plane...

Very nice landing!

I just looked at a video a few down from yours on Youtube where the guy in the Grumman lands in the drifts...WOW...then rolls out like it never happened...:rofl:
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Thanks AP,

Funny to think about ice landings in June. :rofl:

I have landed on ice / snow packed runways and didn't have an issue. No cross winds so it was just use the control surfaces to steer. If the plane get in a position that you can't control ( taxi) then cut the engine and stop.
Thanks for posting that, Peggy- landing there is on my "cool to do, but not likely ever to happen" list, so you've become my vicarious me!
That is really cool! Tell Hubby nice job.

That's the cat's whiskers!
I remember landing at Caro Michigan back in the early 60's on a winter Sunday when we had huge snowbanks barely clear of the wingspan... During the night there had been a freezing rain and the runway was a quarter inch of ice, smoother than glass... The Tripacer touched smoothly and he let it roll out... As the rudder lost airflow the idling engine acted like a gyroscope and we turned a slow and complete 360 while still doing about 20 mph... It stayed exactly centered on the runway - which was fortunate because there was little clearance from the glassy cliffs of snow... Only the fact that there was a slight uphill component to the 3500 foot runway kept us from over running the end... I had to get out of the plane and push on the tail while he carefully blipped the engine a few times, to make it turn around because there was ZERO braking action - all it would do was slide sideways...
Very cool landing!
That's one heck of a runway...!