Free QPC at McDs if you fill out theirs.
You can literally buy one and a drink, then do the survey on your phone while you’re eating it in the parking lot and from then on, free QPC and a dollar drink with the last receipt and their number written on it waiting for you in your glove box where you feel like one.
Never ending QPC. LOL. And you don’t have to bother being truthful on the stupid survey. Just click anything that won’t ask you additional questions (nothing negative) as fast as you can on your phone until it spits out the magic free burger number. Write it down, done.
You can time yourself and make it a little video game. How fast can I get a free burger? Go!
If I’m bored I fill out the survey and tell them I want more Mennonite meals. That probably has someone’s head scratching at Corporate.
I do hope I’ve triggered this conversation there at least once... “Anybody know what Mennonites eat?”