RCR 6/26 Breakfunch


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
Student and I taking an XC tomorrow to Rochester, IN.

Probably get something at Karen's.
Mid-later morning arrival, no firm time yet.

Who's in?
I might be. I'm trying to figure out whether to just go fly somewhere, or see if I can find a safety pilot and try to shake the rust off (less expensive than paying my II to sit there and watch me struggle). The fuel price at nearby KGGP is very tempting. Mid morning does sound a little early for me though.

What is Karen's?
A little restaurant off the south end of the field. Taxi on the grass, park by the road, walk across, eat. :)

I'm thinking 15z
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Sounds convenient. I'll have to see what I feel like doing in the morning. 15z is definitely early for me.
Damn... I'm locked in to a skating event (so, will just be able to make a very quick circuit before 8:00am). :mad:
But Liz (A.)

We'll be there another Cardinal.
Count me in! I like Karen's breakfast buffet! :yes:
You're probably in the air already, but anyway my students kept me up late last night so I'm out. If I can't find someone to safety pilot I'll probably go cyclotouring up around KFKS. I've had a hankering to check the area out for a while.
We are actually heading to Mackinac Island now to meet up with doc Bruce instead. Lynn had a plane issue so we changed destinations.
:mad2: Well, I was going to start my own thread and call it "Am I Gonna Die if I Fly This Airplane?" since I didn't want to take up space when Ed gets back with photos of his fabulous day with Dr. Bruce and his student riding the horse-drawn trams into town from the airport, having breakfunch at the Grand Hotel, and then double chocolate fudge for dessert walking through the shops on Main Street afterwards.... :sad: but as it is, I walked into my hangar this morning and found my right tank almost completely dry and a puddle of blue on the floor under the cowling. I took apart the bottom half of the cowling and took this photo:


The inside of the cabin also smelled very strongly of fuel. I turned the fuel selector to OFF and then drips stopped. When I turned the fuel selector on left or right, the drips started again at a rate of about 1 drip per couple of seconds. Ugh... calling the mechanics tomorrow. I hate my life. :sad:
Well...I would've been out anyways... Tried to get in a quick flight early this morning, but the bad/fouled plug issue that kept me from my last x-country (the A Liz was there for that ;) ) reared its head again this morning.

Last time, it turned out to be a bad plug (NOT on the cylinder that was replaced before Wings); so, replaced with new.
Flew it once afterwards - all was grand.
This morning's run-up, not so much. (Yeah, yeah... guess I'll have to start doing run-ups before shutdown.)

Don't know yet if it's the same plug - but, there's a 25% chance. :rolleyes:
And, yes, I do lean - for ground ops and in flight.
Ugh. Liz, I hope your plug problem turns out to be a simple fix. Sounds like we've both had more than our share of mx issues.

Well I had a lovely afternoon at FKS, though I got there too late to do as much cycling as I'd wanted. Frankfort is unusual in having a beach that you can walk to right off the end of the downtown strip. There is also a lighthouse on the end of a pier in the middle of it, though I didn't walk to it. For cyclists the area is rolling and scenic, though there are flat trails along the river (the Betsie Valley Trail is especially nice). Gotta get back there sometime.

Oh yes, just as I was approaching FKS I heard some guy asking for flight following over the lake to WI, then a few minutes later ZMP asked him where the heck he was going. I couldn't hear his answer and then they told him to squawk 1200. I have no idea what that was about. I hope he made it, as there was a lot of haze out there and not much of a horizon at altitude.

Michigan pilots: 100LL is currently $4.52 at 48D. I don't think there is cheaper fuel anywhere in the state.
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Yup, we stopped at 48D on the way back from Mackinac.
:mad2: Well, I was going to start my own thread and call it "Am I Gonna Die if I Fly This Airplane?" since I didn't want to take up space when Ed gets back with photos of his fabulous day with Dr. Bruce and his student riding the horse-drawn trams into town from the airport, having breakfunch at the Grand Hotel, and then double chocolate fudge for dessert walking through the shops on Main Street afterwards.... :sad: but as it is, I walked into my hangar this morning and found my right tank almost completely dry and a puddle of blue on the floor under the cowling. I took apart the bottom half of the cowling and took this photo:


The inside of the cabin also smelled very strongly of fuel. I turned the fuel selector to OFF and then drips stopped. When I turned the fuel selector on left or right, the drips started again at a rate of about 1 drip per couple of seconds. Ugh... calling the mechanics tomorrow. I hate my life. :sad:

I would love to see these photos. I ride horses, sounds fun.

Mackinac Island is a beautiful place! Much better scenery than my sad messed-up airplane. Here's the photo I have of the Grand Hotel that Ed sent me:


Notice the perfect perfect perfect weather in the background! Ed says he has some video that he has and needs to splice together... hopefully he can post that here too. Mackinac is one of my favorite places... one of the best photos I have from the air is one of the bridge leading to the island with the Ferry in the water down below. You can spend the entire day there shopping in the little stores on Main Street and eat too much fudge while doing it. BTDT. :D
Wow, thanks - ! This kind of thing really helps me push on towards my PPL, can't wait to discover little places in California that I didn't know existed, places I can get away to within 1-3 hours of flight.

It's shrunk down to where you can't really make it out, but the picture in my avatar has the Mackinac Bridge in it somewhere just below the horizon haze. It was taken last summer over the northern tip of the Lower Peninsula, looking out to the west, on the way to Mackinac Island.

I'll have to dig out the original and post it.

Okay here it is, plus another picture from the main street downtown:


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