radio split across two breakers?


Fred Garvin

There are some unlabeled CBs under my avionics stack and I tried to figure out what they were for.

The first one didn't seem to do anything. The next one powered up the 430, then the transponder, then the engine monitor, then the intercom.

My instructor and I head out for some pattern work. Wind socks are limp so we head out on 36. After the first lap or two, the wind picks up and favors 18, so we say our intentions and switch it up.

Another plane is in the pattern but they apparently missed the memo and are on final for 36 when we're turning base for 18. They go around and we circle to give them room, then we land.

Beginning to suspect a radio problem, when on the ground, I check to see that I'm getting the TX light on the 430. Yep, that works. Yep, right frequency. We are receiving fine. My instructor and I swap headsets, no joy. Finally, I think to myself, "self, undo the thing you did earlier" and pushed in that first breaker that didn't seem to do anything. Magically, I can transmit again.

I need to label those breakers, but the question is, why/how would transmitting be on its own breaker?
Do you have an audio panel powered by that circuit breaker?
If I recall correctly there are two power connections and two CBs for a 430. One is the main power and the other is com/transmit. The latter is a higher amperage. I do not recall the specifics.
If I recall correctly there are two power connections and two CBs for a 430. One is the main power and the other is com/transmit. The latter is a higher amperage. I do not recall the specifics.

I have a 430/530 combo in the Aztec and there is only one breaker for the internal power supply in each radio.

With the limited info in the OP my guess (and it is a guess) is he has an older audio panel and a separate intercom, and if the audio panel is powered down there is no transmit.
There is no audio panel and the intercom was powered up, so it sounds like the 430 is indeed split across two breakers.
I have a GTN750 and GNC255 both have two breakers... one for com and one for nav.

Bingo. Light bulb went on. :idea:

I stand corrected; @SkyDog58 was right. My 430/530 combo has separate breakers for Nav & Comm side on each unit.

Must be the aluminum cookware.:redface:
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